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What’s normal?.

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Presentation on theme: "What’s normal?."— Presentation transcript:

1 What’s normal?

2 Biological Because your body is going through changes, your moods are going to be affected. You may find you will experience intense feelings for no reason.

3 Everybody’s body changes at a different rate
Everybody’s body changes at a different rate. Some people develop faster than others. There is no “right” way to look.

4 Interest in sex is also different for everybody
Interest in sex is also different for everybody. At this age you may have a greater interest in sexual information and behavior than you did when you were younger.

5 Emotional You may feel confused over who you are.

6 You may feel confused about what group you belong to.

7 You may feel happy and sad sometimes in the same day (or same hour!).

8 You may feel nervous, edgy, irritable, silly-anxiety is one word for all these feelings.
Anxiety is normal because of all the changes you are going through.

9 A small thing, like the way your hair looks, can set you off for the whole morning.

10 Social Your friends may become more important.

11 You may be having more arguments with friends.

12 Best friends may change.

13 Sometimes your friends act different with you than they act in front of members of the opposite sex.

14 You may find yourself always trying to please your friends and not doing the things you want to do or the things you think are right.

15 Intellectual Schoolwork is getting harder and people expect more.

16 You will need to make more decisions, to plan ahead, and to think more carefully about the consequences of your behavior.

17 Some of you may feel you have more problems; it is important to take time out and think through the problems rather than making a “snap” decision.

18 Family You may find yourself loving your parent one day and wanting nothing to do with them the next day.

19 You may sometimes want your parents’ opinion but other times when they give it, you may get mad at them.

20 You may want more privacy.

21 You may feel embarrassed by your parents, brothers, and sisters.

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