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Overview on the Pre-scoping Document & Linking Species to the 20 Selected Habitat Types 3rd meeting of the Steering Committee for the Atlantic region.

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Presentation on theme: "Overview on the Pre-scoping Document & Linking Species to the 20 Selected Habitat Types 3rd meeting of the Steering Committee for the Atlantic region."— Presentation transcript:

1 Overview on the Pre-scoping Document & Linking Species to the 20 Selected Habitat Types 3rd meeting of the Steering Committee for the Atlantic region , Brussels

2 Pre-scoping document aims
at supporting MS, DG ENV, stakeholders to make decisions on habitats/species to be covered in the seminar at giving detailed information on 20 selected habitats/species using Art 17/Natura 2000 data  background information sheets  used in the Atlantic Background document in general at promoting the use of Art 17 data & at pointing out the importance of improving MS Art 17 reports!

3 Contents Background General information on the Atlantic region
The Article 17 (conservation status) reporting How to use Art 17 data in the work towards improving conservation status? Identifying habitat types & species for the Atlantic Seminar – preparatory work Background information sheets for selected habitat type Appendix 1. List of species and habitat types for the Atlantic region

4 Example: CS of habitats/species in 9 habitat groups at the Atlantic region

5 Chapter 4: How to use Art 17 information in the work towards improving CS ?
Qualifiers – can be used to show improvement when CS remains unchanged. Important for 2013 reports! Trend information – can help in priority setting of conservation actions Pressures – can help focusing on most relevant pressures

6 Coverage of habitats/species in Natura 2000 network – can help getting ideas whether actions are needed outside network or vice versa Use of certain parameters: e.g. if structure & functions at U1/U2, this can indicate management challenges to avoid further deterioration

7 Linking species to the 20 selected habitat types
Expert opinion by EEA/ETC species associated/dependent to/of the selected habitats Annex II & IV species, Annex I bird species & species triggering SPA designation Species occurring in 1-2 MS excluded NB Seminar background document can include other species proposed by MS/stakeholders

8 Selected 20 habitat types & associated species (proposed by EEA/ETC)

9 Freshwater

10 Heaths, Forests and Grasslands

11 Wetlands

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