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Cost Effectiveness Analysis The State of the Art - Norway

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1 Cost Effectiveness Analysis The State of the Art - Norway
CEA Workshop, Brussels, Dec Are Lindegaard Norwegian Pollution Control Authority (SFT)

2 Norwegian CEA methodology
Background 2003: Summary of experiences on CEAs in Norway as preparatory work related to WFD: Relatively long tradition for CEA in Norway Not easy to get a joint overview. No central data base Mid 1990s: Systematic approach; Local authorities defined their own objectives based on water use Guidelines on how local authorities could carry out CEAs in their water bodies Focused on eutrophication (P and N) Multi sector approach

3 Status and future activities
Norwegian CEA methodology Status and future activities 2005: Description of process and framework for CEA and PoMs under WFD 2006: Develop national methodology and guidance for the river basin authorities Spring, 2007: Further development of the information system and assessment tools : Carry out the PoMs

4 Some thoughts about the future approach
Norwegian CEA methodology Some thoughts about the future approach Balancing the theoretical correct approach against what is practically feasible Considering elements from the German Handbook on CEA Somehow relate good status to the benefits for population to help communication and gain engagement: “What's in it for me?” Analysis of measures and instruments will be separated to influence the development of new instruments Several objectives under good status Small communities in norway with limited capasity to carry out advanced analysis. We don’t want to let consultant do it all Effects will most likely be described in qualitative or partly quantative ways (+, ++, +++)

5 Norwegian CEA methodology
Three steps of PoMs Technical analysis to identify the most cost-effective combination of measures From CEA to PoMs: Analysis of available instruments Taking account of distribution of income and political acceptance Scale Need for derogations? Costs disproportionate to benefit => less stringent objectives Cost disproportionate to available budget => time derogation

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