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class news Mrs. Nichols’ 9/10-9/14

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1 class news Mrs. Nichols’ 9/10-9/14
A Note from the Teacher What’s Happening in... This week in reading, we will begin our new unit, making inferences. We will continue to learn what makes a personal narrative great and begin learning how revision can make our “seed" story great. In grammar, we will begin learning about pronouns. Test Dates: Reading: End of Unit 2 Comprehension Test 9/10 Voc.: Week 5/6 Test 9/21 Grammar: Pronouns Quiz 9/14 Word Study: List #3 Test on 9/21 I would appreciate any donations of highlighters (for editing and revising our personal narratives) and colored printer paper. Homework reminder Homework packets are sent home on Mondays and due on Fridays. Study and practice vocabulary/spelling nightly. Dates to remember Book Fair: 9/10-9/14 Grandparents’ Day Program: 10:00-10:15 Picnic: 11:00-11:30 Thank You, Mrs. Nichols

2 class news Mrs. Nichols’ 9/10-9/14 Think Thick Weather Fraction Nation
Spelling words vocabulary Think Thick Weather Fraction Nation Fiction Child Lunch Watch Patch Use Each These Would Could Study these nightly. Test is on 9/21. Week 5 Vocabulary: Redundant: more than what is needed. Gesture: a movement of the body that shows an idea or feeling Acknowledge: to recognize Clutch: to tightly hold something Persevere: to keep working on something even though it is difficult Study nightly. Test is on 9/21 on week 5 and week 6 vocabulary. Thank You, Mrs. Nichols

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