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Most prominent environmental issues/concerns arising from farming:

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Presentation on theme: "Most prominent environmental issues/concerns arising from farming:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Most prominent environmental issues/concerns arising from farming:
EU – ways of incorporating environmental objectives and concerns into the CAP (Lecture 19) Most prominent environmental issues/concerns arising from farming: Loss of biodiversity Decline in important habitats and species Loss of landscape diversity and quality Water pollution and excessive abstraction levels Soil erosion Air pollution by ammonia and greenhouse gas emissions Food safety and animal welfare concerns

2 A way to overcome these concerns- Agri-Environmental Measures?
…designed to encourage farmers to protect and enhance the environment on their farmland. Payments are made to farmers in return for a service – carrying out agri-environmental commitments that involve going beyond the application of usual good farming practice. They may be designed at national, regional or local level The measures are diverse but usually has one of two broad objectives – Reducing environmental risks associated with modern farming Preserving nature and cultivated landscapes.

3 Examples of agri environmental measures
Input reduction Organic farming Extensification of livestock Conversion of arable land to grassland and rotation measures Actions in areas of biodiversity Genetic diversity Farmed landscape Water use reduction measures Set aside Upkeep of abandoned farm land and woodland Maintenance of the countryside and landscape features Public access.

4 Development of agri-environment measures and integration into CAP
Pillar 2 measures: Support Less Favoured Areas 1980’s – adopted in a few member states on their own initiative. 1985 – Article 19, but remained optional for member states. 1992 – introduced for all member states as an “accompanying measure” to the CAP reform. 1999 – incorporated into the rural development regulation as part of the Agenda 2000 CAP reform. A compulsory axis in the rural development regulation

5 3.Compliance with general environmental regulations
2. Pillar one measures: Setaside in the arable crops regime Extensification and stocking density restrictions in the beef and veal regime. Cross – Compliance Decoupling of direct payments 3.Compliance with general environmental regulations Biodiversity Water pollution and management Climate change Biotechnology

6 Modulation – making the compulsory amount larger from pillar 1 to pillar 2.
Co-funding may be a problem at times. Long term approach – continuous design and implementation of schemes to achieve the intended outcome and to reduce transaction costs: thorough monitoring of situation, new for CAP.

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