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By the end of today’s lesson you will:

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Presentation on theme: "By the end of today’s lesson you will:"— Presentation transcript:

1 By the end of today’s lesson you will:
Have reinforced your knowledge and understanding of Augustine and Calvin’s beliefs on predestination. Have examined the implications of predestination on religious beliefs in relation to: God’s omnipotence God’s omnibenevolence Prayer Miracles Evil Skills Focus - AO1 – knowledge and understanding - Specialist language and vocabulary

2 Spec Check – Component 3: Ethics Theme 4: Determinism and Free Will
AO1 – Knowledge and Understanding AO2 – Issues for Analysis and Evaluation C) The implications of predestination / determinism: The implications of determinism (hard and soft) on moral responsibility: the worth of human ideas of rightness, wrongness and moral value, the value in blaming moral agents for immoral acts, the usefulness of normative ethics. The implications of predestination on religious belief: the link between God and evil, the implications for God’s omnipotence and omnibenevolence, the use of prayer and the existence of miracles. The extent to which predestination influences our understanding of God.

3 Starter Kahoot: Predestination (Augustine and Calvin)

4 The implications of predestination on religious belief
Independent Task: – no textbook, no talking … just your brain! Make notes on the implications of predestination on these religious beliefs: 4 minutes The implications of predestination on religious belief God’s omnipotence God’s omnibenevolence Prayer Miracles God and Evil

5 The implications of predestination on religious belief
With your ‘elbow buddy’: Share ideas. Develop your notes. The implications of predestination on religious belief God’s omnipotence God’s omnibenevolence Prayer Miracles God and Evil

6 The implications of predestination on religious belief
Class feedback: Share ideas with the class. Develop your notes. The implications of predestination on religious belief God’s omnipotence God’s omnibenevolence Prayer Miracles God and Evil

7 The implications of predestination on religious belief
Read pages of your Eduqas textbook. After each section, discuss key ideas with your elbow buddy. Add key information to your notes. Make sure you include: scholars quotes specialist vocabulary examples The implications of predestination on religious belief God’s omnipotence God’s omnibenevolence Prayer Miracles God and Evil

8 Plenary: Quiz Five teams:
God’s omnipotence God’s omnibenevolence Prayer Miracles Evil Each team must write 2 questions on your given topic for the class quiz.

9 Learning Check … By the end of today’s lesson you will:
Have reinforced your knowledge and understanding of Augustine and Calvin’s beliefs on predestination. Have examined the implications of predestination on religious beliefs in relation to: God’s omnipotence God’s omnibenevolence Prayer Miracles Evil

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