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Published bySusanto Sudjarwadi Modified over 5 years ago
AS50 FRMAC Assessment Science Overview Part 2 Public Protection
Sandia National Laboratories is a multimission laboratory managed and operated by National Technology and Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC., a wholly owned subsidiary of Honeywell International, Inc., for the U.S. Department of Energy's National Nuclear Security Administration under contract DE-NA
What questions might be asked?
Is a release extensive enough to warrant a protective action (shelter/evacuate and/or relocate)? 4/6/2019
What do you need to know? Default or modified Time Phase(s)
Which Pathways to include What are the Dose Limits Do you know Radionuclide inventory/activities/ratios On the ground In the air Or both Can you assume equilibrium? 4/6/2019
Where do you get your information?
FRMAC Defaults Local Decision-makers Regulatory Agencies Intel Models (NARAC, RASCAL) Measurements (In-situ, Lab) SWAG (update as more info becomes available) 4/6/2019
Public Protection Overview
What is a Dose Parameter? Public Protection Dose Pathways What is a Derived Response Level (DRL)? How are DRLs used? Public Protection Assumptions 4/6/2019
What is a Dose Parameter?
A dose from a radionuclide received by an individual over a time period from a particular pathway The dose may be delivered via 4 primary pathways Plume Plume Inhalation Plume Submersion Ground Inhalation of Resuspended materials Groundshine 4/6/2019
How is a Dose Parameter used?
Dose Parameters are needed to calculate a Derived Response Levels (DRLs) Dose Parameters indicate which pathway presents the greatest hazard Decision makers can use this information to determine the most appropriate protective action 4/6/2019
What is a Derived Response Level (DRL)?
A level of radioactivity in an environmental medium that would be expected to produce a dose over a time period equal to its corresponding Protective Action Guide (PAG) value DRLs are measureable quantities 4/6/2019
Public Protection DRLs
Deposition DRLs - The areal activity of a radionuclide at which the total dose from all radionuclides in a release would equal the PAG over the time period under consideration Integrated Air DRLs - The integrated air activity of a radionuclide at which the total dose from all radionuclides in a release would equal the PAG over the time period under consideration Dose Rate DRLs - The external dose rate from all radionuclides in a release that would produce a dose equal to the PAG over the time period under consideration 4/6/2019
How are DRLs used? Public Protection DRLs are calculated, measureable quantities that correspond to a PAG value Public Protection DRLs are used to generate contours on NARAC Dispersion Models to project areas where Protective Actions should be considered 4/6/2019
Public Protection Assumptions
Adult receptor, Whole Body dose The receptor is outside and unprotected The plume is in contact with the ground Airborne noble gases are not deposited Deposition is immediate Deposition is assumed to be dry particulates with a Particle Size of micron AMAD ICRP Recommended Lung Clearance Type Daughter radionuclides are at equilibrium if t1/2 < ultimate parent and t1/2 < 1.5 y 4/6/2019
Public Protection Calculation Methods
In this section we will discuss methods for calculating: Dose Parameters Plume Pathways and related Dose Parameters Ground Pathways and related Dose Parameters Total Dose Parameter Mixture Total Dose Parameter DRLs Deposition and Integrated-Air DRLs Dose and Exposure Rate DRLs Projected Public Dose The DRLÃ represents the integrated air activity (Ã) (µCi•s/m3), of radionuclide i at which the total dose from all radionuclides in a release from the pathways included in the assessment would equal the Protective Action Guide (PAG) over the time phase under consideration. The DRLDp represents the areal activity (µCi/m2), at a specific Evaluation Time (tn), of radionuclide i at which the total dose from all radionuclides in a release from the pathways included in the assessment would equal the Protective Action Guide (PAG) over the time phase under consideration. 4/6/2019
Major Dose Pathways From a Release
Plume Pathways Submersion (γ) Inhalation (α,β,γ) 4/6/2019
Plume Inhalation Dose Parameter
Plume Inhalation Pathway The projected committed dose from the inhalation of plume-borne radionuclide i over the time phase is the Plume Inhalation Dose Parameter (Pl_InhDPi). The Pl_InhDPi is calculated for each radionuclide present in the release, and includes the: Inhalation Dose Coefficient (InhDC); mrem/μCi Integrated Air Activity (Ã); μCi•s/m3 Light Exercise Breathing Rate (BRLE); m3/s NOTE: We use the Light Exercise Breathing Rate because we are assuming the individual is actively seeking to exit the plume. 4/6/2019
Plume External Dose Parameter
Plume Submersion Pathway The projected external dose from submersion from plume-borne radionuclide i over the time phase is the Plume External Dose Parameter (Pl_ExDPi). The Pl_ExDPi is calculated for each radionuclide present in the release, and includes the: Plume External Dose Coefficient (Pl_ExDC); mrem•m3/μCi•s Integrated Air Activity (Ã); μCi•s/m3 4/6/2019
Major Dose Pathways From a Release
Inhalation of Resuspended Material (α,β,γ) Groundshine (γ) 4/6/2019 Ground Pathways
Deposition Inhalation Dose Parameter
Resuspension Inhalation Pathway The projected committed dose from radionuclide i deposited on the ground from the inhalation of the resuspended fraction of the radionuclide over the time phase is the Deposition Inhalation Dose Parameter (Dp_InhDPi). The Dp_InhDPi is calculated for each radionuclide present in the release, and includes the: Inhalation Dose Coefficient (InhDC); mrem/μCi Resuspension Parameter (KP); μCi•s/m3 Activity Averaged Breathing Rate (BRAA); m3/s 4/6/2019
Deposition External Dose Parameter
Groundshine Pathway The projected external dose from groundshine from radionuclide i over the time phase is the Deposition External Dose Parameter (Dp_ExDPi). The Dp_ExDPi is calculated for each radionuclide present in the release, and includes the: Deposition External Dose Coefficient (Dp_ExDC); mrem•m2/μCi•s Ground Roughness Factor (GRF); unitless Weathering Parameter (WP); μCi•s/m2 Weathering Parameter is used to account for the integrated weathering of the radionuclide(s) over the time phase. 4/6/2019
Total Dose Parameter The Total Dose Parameter (TDP) represents the dose from radionuclide i from the pathways included in the assessment and is obtained by summing the appropriate Dose Parameters from the following list: the Plume Inhalation Dose Parameter (Pl_InhDP); the Plume External Dose Parameter (Pl_ExDP); the Deposition Inhalation Dose Parameter (Dp_InhDP); and the Deposition External Dose Parameter (Dp_ExDP). NOTE: The Sheltered Total Dose Parameter (TDPSh) is calculated by summing the Sheltered Dose Parameters from the selected Primary Dose Pathways. 4/6/2019
Mixture Total Dose Parameter
The Mixture Total Dose Parameter (MTDP) includes the dose contributions for all radionuclides in the mixture from each of the selected primary dose pathways, and is calculated by summing the TDPs for each radionuclide in the mixture. 𝑀𝑇𝐷 𝑃 𝑇𝑃 = 𝑖 𝑛 𝑇𝐷 𝑃 𝑖, 𝑇𝑃 4/6/2019
End of Pathway Discussion, Start of DRLs
What are Derived Response Levels (DRLs)?
DRLs are levels of radioactivity in an environmental medium that would be expected to produce a dose equal to the corresponding PAG DRLs are values which can be calculated and measured DRLs are used to predict where protective actions should be considered 4/6/2019
Types of DRLs FRMAC calculates three types of Public Protection DRLs to predict conditions where protective actions should be considered DRLs can be calculated for: Deposition Concentration (Dp) Integrated Air Concentration (Ã) Dose Rate DRLs can be evaluated using any combination of pathways DRLs may include dose from: Plume Inhalation Submersion Inhalation of Resuspended Material Groundshine 4/6/2019
Deposition and Integrated Air DRLs
The DRLDp represents the areal activity (µCi/m2), at a specific Evaluation Time (tn), of radionuclide i at which the total dose from all radionuclides in a release from the pathways included in the assessment would equal the Protective Action Guide (PAG) over the time phase under consideration The DRLÃ represents the integrated air activity (µCi•s/m3), of radionuclide i at which the total dose from all radionuclides in a release from the pathways included in the assessment would equal the Protective Action Guide (PAG) over the time phase under consideration 4/6/2019
Deposition and Integrated Air DRLs
Compare the dose from a mixture to the PAG to calculate DRLs The MTDP is the projected dose over the time phase from an entire mixture of radionuclides for all dose pathways We are calculating the amount of a radionuclide (the DRL) that would cause the entire mixture to produce a given dose (the PAG) over the time phase For an integrated air activity, this concept can be described mathematically as: 4/6/2019
Deposition and Integrated Air DRLs
Solving this equation for the DRL: Note: For air evaluations, there is no need to account for decay or weathering because an integrated sample is used and weathering does not affect air samples. 4/6/2019
Deposition and Integrated Air DRLs
Similarly, for an areal (deposition) activity, at a given Evaluation Time (tn): Note: For deposition evaluations, it is necessary to correct the areal activity of each radionuclide for decay and weathering. Weathering FACTOR is used in this formula to account for the weathering & decay that has occurred since the time of deposition. 4/6/2019
Deposition and Integrated Air DRLs
Correcting for decay and weathering. The amount of radioactive material deposited on the ground at the start of the Time Phase is used to calculate the MTDP over the Time Phase (The effects of decay and weathering are included in that calculation) Since we want to be able to use measurements taken at any time, we need to add the effects of decay and weathering to the DRL calculation 4/6/2019
Deposition and Integrated Air DRLs
Why do we correct for decay and weathering? Deposition and Dose Rate DRLs are calculated for a given Evaluation Time (tn) The Evaluation Time is the time that a measurement is going to be (or was) taken By calculating the DRL for that time, we know what measurement value would correspond to a dose over a time phase equal to the PAG A measurement BELOW the DRL indicates that the dose in the area where the measurement was made would likely be BELOW the PAG A measurement ABOVE the DRL indicates that the dose in the area where the measurement was made would likely be ABOVE the PAG 4/6/2019
Dose Rate DRLs The Dose Rate DRLs (DRLDR) represents the external dose rate (mrem/hr, measured at 1 m above the ground) at a specific Evaluation Time (tn), from all radionuclides in a release that would produce a dose equal to the Protective Action Guide (PAG) over the time phase under consideration 4/6/2019
Dose Rate DRLs The external dose rate (mrem/hr) from a deposited mixture of radioactive material at a given time (tn) is represented by the Deposition Mixture External Dose Factor (Dp_MExDF) The Dp_MExDF is calculated by summing the contribution to external dose from each radionuclide present in the release, and includes: Weathering Factor at time tn (WFtn); unitless Ground Roughness Factor (GRF); unitless Areal Activity of each radionuclide in the mixture (Dpi); μCi/m2 Deposition External Dose Coefficient for each radionuclide (Dp_ExDCi); mrem•m2/μCi•hr 4/6/2019
Dose Rate DRLs The Dp_MExDF is the measured dose rate at a given time from the deposited radionuclide mixture The MTDP is the projected dose from the radionuclide mixture over a specified time phase Need to calculate the dose rate (the DRL) that would cause the entire mixture to produce a given dose (the PAG) This can be described mathematically as: 4/6/2019
Dose and Exposure Rate DRLs
Solving this equation for the DRL 4/6/2019
Projected Public Dose Calculates the projected dose received by members of the public from a release of radioactive material over a specified time phase The dose can be calculated for any combination of pathways Projected Public Dose is calculated using Radionuclide Mixture Sample Data 4/6/2019
Projected Public Dose Calculating the PPD using Radionuclide Mixture data: To calculate the PPD for a given time phase: 4/6/2019
Using Turbo FRMAC Public Protection Pathways
Will this released radioactive material result in a dose to a member of the public that exceeds the PAG? 4/6/2019
Assume the following Mixture
Setting the Stage The Governor wants to know if he has to order a Relocation for his population Calculate 1st Year DRL values based on Ground Deposition Assume the following Mixture Radionuclide Activity per Area (µCi/m2) 60Co 2 148Gd 1 90Sr 3 90Ya a 90Y included as a daughter in equilibrium 4/6/2019
Open Turbo FRMAC Select New Calculation 4/6/2019
Select New Calculation
Select Public Protection, then Derived Response Level, then Blank 4/6/2019
Name and Describe Calculation
Click on Name and Description Button Type in a Name and Description for the calculation 4/6/2019
Verify Time Phases and Evaluation Time
Click on Time Settings Button Verify Time Phases, Evaluation Time and Pathways are correct 4/6/2019
Build Radionuclide Mixture
Click on Radionuclide Mixture Button Click on Search and begin to populate Radionuclides 4/6/2019
Build Radionuclide Mixture
Enter each Radionuclide in the mix and enter the Activity Concentration 4/6/2019
Run Calculation Click the Deposition button 4/6/2019
Deposition DRL Created
Final Results displayed 4/6/2019
Dose Parameters Find the Dose Parameter button at the top/center of the ribbon Click the Dose Parameter button to open the listed Dose Parameters for each radionuclide and each Time Phase 4/6/2019
Dose Parameters Select First Year Dose Parameter button Dose Parameter panel comes into view Dose Parameters indicate dose contribution from each radionuclide 4/6/2019
Dose Rate DRL Select Dose and Exposure - Final Results Displayed
Integrated Air DRL Created
Select Integrated Air - Final Results Displayed 4/6/2019
Data Products 4/6/2019
Assume the same Mixture
Setting the Stage What is the actual 1st year dose to a member of the public? Calculate a 1st year Projected Public Dose Assume the same Mixture Radionuclide Activity per Area (µCi/m2) 60Co 2 148Gd 1 90Sr 3 90Ya a 90Y included as a daughter in equilibrium 4/6/2019
Start a New Calculation
Projected Public Dose Start a New Calculation 4/6/2019
Select Projected Public Dose Calculation
Select Public Protection, then Projected Public Dose, then Blank 4/6/2019
Name and Describe Calculation
Click on Name and Description Button Type in a Name and Description for the calculation 4/6/2019
Verify Time Phases Click on Time Settings Button
Verify Time Phases and Pathways are correct 4/6/2019
Build Radionuclide Mixture
Click on Radionuclide Mixture Button Click on Search and begin to populate Radionuclides 4/6/2019
Build Radionuclide Mixture
Enter each Radionuclide in the mix and enter the Activity Concentration 4/6/2019
Run Calculation Click the Projected Public Dose button 4/6/2019
New Projected Public Dose Created
Final Results displayed 4/6/2019
Contact Information Lainy Cochran 4/6/2019
Questions? 4/6/2019
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