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2019 First Nation Launch – Oral Presentation

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Presentation on theme: "2019 First Nation Launch – Oral Presentation"— Presentation transcript:

1 2019 First Nation Launch – Oral Presentation
[insert team name here]

2 Team Information [school and team name] [mentor name] [advisor name]
[team member introductions]

3 Launch Vehicle [discuss general design and dimensions]
[discuss key features] [discuss motor selection]

4 Launch Vehicle Performance
[discuss rocket simulation method – rocksim, openrocket or other] [discuss flight stability, static margins] [discuss thrust-to-weight ratio, rail exit velocity]

5 Avionics Subsystem [discuss the electronics bay design – location in vehicle] [discuss number of altimeters, type, manufacture] [discuss switches, vent holes - size and location]

6 Recovery Subsystem [discuss parachute recovery scheme – sizes, descent rates, location in vehicle] [discuss tracking devices]

7 Recovery System Tests [discuss ejection tests with provided canisters]
[discuss ejection charges required]

8 Payload / Experiment [discuss payload design – including general dimensions] [discuss key features of the payload] [discuss any testing completed] [discuss payload electronics] [discuss how the payload is integrated into/with the vehicle]

9 Challenges / Lessons Learned
[discuss the major technical challenges] [discuss the major programmatic challenges] [discuss lessons learned during the design, build]

10 Questions?

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