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Your ideas,Your initiatives Safety and mobility for all 2018

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1 Your ideas,Your initiatives Safety and mobility for all 2018
STOP! LIFE IS PRIORITY! SCOALA GIMNAZIALA NR.5 ‘NICOLAE IORGA’ ,CONSTANTA ROMANIA Participanti:elevii clasei a VI-a Coordonator:prof.Koseoglu Marinela

2 STOP! LIFE IS PRIORITY! The project "YOUR ideas, YOUR initiatives" involves many schools from selected countries around the world that are committed to achieving changes in their community with regards to Road Safety and Sustainable Mobility.  Schools from 14 countries participated past edition-2017.

3 I have a pedestrian permit!
We need more passages of audible and visual pedestrians !

We need to promote early education for road safety !

5 Summarry: We created and presented posters ,flyers with informations about traffic rules to teach children road safety on their way to school.

6 IDEAS We started the project with a set of questions, to which I received the following responses: 1.Where are safe places? 40% responded that they feel safe at home and at school; 60% - feel safe at home, at school and in parks. 2.What do I use or what means of transport I use on the way to school? 40% - go by bus, 50% move on foot and 10% bike. 3. How could it help to reduce the number of road accidents involving pedestrians? 40% responded that there is a need to promote early education for road safety; 40% of them said that we need more passages of audible and visual pedestrians and 20% of them said that the number of cars involved in traffic should be lower.

7 IDEAS "568 pedestrians lost their lives last year in road accidents," police data showed. Only 17% of them blame drivers who did not give priority to the passage. The rest because they went through unauthorized places or the red light of the traffic light " And there are many examples. Young people venture to cross illegally without taking their eyes off the phone.             Statistics show that, after pedestrians, cyclists and motorcyclists are the most vulnerable. Lack of tracks makes many of the cycling enthusiasts around the crowded streets.

8 INITIATIVES We found that we feel insecure on our way to school because of excessive road traffic,hight traffic.Applying the brainstorming method, we have established a plan of measures to increase safety on public pedestrian roads in particular.        We wanted to create various materials (posters, posters, flyers) with information about traffic rules so they can not feel unsteady on their way to school. We taught the children about safety on the streets, at school, at home and at play!

So, with the permission of the teachers, we entered an hour for every class of schoolchildren and we talked to everyone about road safety on the way to school especially. We presented them with the posters we created, the materials, explained traffic rules as a pedestrian.For the future we want to use more bicycles, and poor infrastructure is no longer an obstacle for cyclists.


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