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Lessons from Total Transformation event, 9 January, 2010

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1 Lessons from Total Transformation event, 9 January, 2010
Real Jobs Lessons from Total Transformation event, 9 January, 2010

2 In Control In Control’s mission is to play a key role in the creation of a new system of social care, where people will control their support, their money and their lives as valued citizens

3 A Real Job A real job can be where someone is employed by a company or organisation, or is self-employed. The person is paid, that is to say they do not give their labour for free. Helps the person to meet their life-goals and aspirations. Is valued by managers and colleagues. Gives the person a chance to progress, if they wish to. Has similar hours and times at work as other employees at the company or in similar jobs. Gives employment rights and the other benefits accorded to colleagues and others in similar jobs ...very similar to the definition in Valuing Employment Now

4 The role of Personal Budgets (from Valuing Employment Now)
The move to personal budgets...provides an important opportunity to support adults with learning disabilities into work. Personal budgets can and should be used for this. Learning Disability Partnership Boards will be encouraged to review day service modernisation plans, to ensure that they have employment at their heart plus twelve other key areas....

5 Work and Jobs pages Valuing Employment Now, strategy document
Work and Jobs Facts Sheets What is a Great Job? Buy What about my Benefits? So how do I get a job? What if I need help? If the help isn’t there, what do I do?

6 Factsheets What’s a great job for me Get your job in 4 steps
Finding the right job What about benefits Customised employment Customised planning Negotiating with employers Using supported employment Writing an ad My job by Wendy Perez

7 The Real Jobs programme
Diagnosis and strategic planning phase Tailored programme, incorporating: Developing a customised employment service Family led jobs Self-employment Etc.

8 Steering Group Andrew Tyson Anne O’Bryan Keith Bates Wendy Perez
Susan Allott Steve Beyer Nicola Gitsham Ellen Atkinson Chris East

9 Practicalities Cost – 7K for diagnosis phase for IC members
Start – early 2010 Diagnosis phase – includes 5 on-site visits, including 3 workshops Duration – by negotiation, up to 2 years Strategic focus – Valuing Employment Now, PSA16, Putting People First (braided funding streams), Getting a Life pilots (transition)

10 Website

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