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Wild Land Conducted by YouGov on behalf of John Muir Trust Fieldwork Dates: 18th - 22nd May 2017.

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Presentation on theme: "Wild Land Conducted by YouGov on behalf of John Muir Trust Fieldwork Dates: 18th - 22nd May 2017."— Presentation transcript:

1 Wild Land Conducted by YouGov on behalf of John Muir Trust Fieldwork Dates: 18th - 22nd May 2017

2 Wild Land SJW_q1. For the following question, by "Wild Land Areas", we mean places that are rugged, remote and free from major human structures. To what extent, if at all, do you agree or disagree with the following statement? "Wild Land Areas should continue to be protected in the future from large scale infrastructure, such as industrial-scale wind farms, major electricity transmission and super-quarries" Strongly agree Tend to agree Neither agree nor disagree Tend to disagree Strongly disagree Don't know Net: Agree Net: Disagree Unweighted base: All Scottish adults (1028)

3 Wild Land SJW_q2. Would you be more or less likely to visit a scenic area which contains large scale developments (e.g. commercial wind farms, quarries, pylons etc.), or would it make no difference? More likely Less likely Would make no difference, I would definitely not visit this area anyway Would make no difference, I would definitely visit this area anyway Don't know Unweighted base: All Scottish adults (1028)


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