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CEPC 动力学孔径优化 in progress

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Presentation on theme: "CEPC 动力学孔径优化 in progress"— Presentation transcript:

1 CEPC 动力学孔径优化 in progress
张 源、王毅伟、耿会平、王逗

2 Introduction Only optimize the sextupole strength in arc (240 variables) Differential evolution algorithm is used, strategy: local-to-best, population: 8100 CEPC lattice: wangyw-v1 SAD is used to track the dynamic aperture 30 cpu core is used

3 Objective function 𝑥 2 20 2 + 𝑧 2 16 2 =1
𝑥 𝑧 =1 𝑧 for energy deviation in unit of 𝜎 𝑝 𝑥 for transverse amplitude in unit of 𝜎 For z = Range[-15,15,1] objective function = 0, if aperture boundary is outside the ellipse distance between the boundary and the ellipse, otherwise

4 Optimization result 100turns, DAPWIDTH=15, z=Range[-15,15,1], coupling: 0.3%
One generation ~ 17 hrs

5 Check DA with PhaseX->Pi/2, PhaseY->Pi/2 100turns, DAPWIDTH=15, z=Range[-15,15,1], coupling: 0.3%

6 Check DA for different coupling

7 Check DA for different coupling (2)

8 Check DA for different coupling (3)

9 Check DA with Radiation

10 Check DA with Radiation (2)
Rad Off Rad On

11 Check DA with Radiation (3)
Rad Off Rad On

12 Check DA with radiation (4)
Rad Off Rad On

13 DAPWIDTH=15 vs DAPWIDTH=30 (Max=25𝜎)

14 DAPWIDTH=30 (Max=25𝜎) vs DAPWIDTH=15 (Max=50𝜎)

15 Summary DA is very sensitive to any phase space variable. We’ve to use very detailed tracking to determine it. What option is more closer to the “real machine”?

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