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Presentation on theme: "SIGNIFICANT FIGURES."— Presentation transcript:


2 All non-zero digits are significant. 13,438 - 75 - 24.45 - 5 2 4
The following rules apply when determining the number of significant digits: All non-zero digits are significant. 13, 5 2 4 2. Any zeros between nonzero digits are significant. 12, 5 4 4 3. All final zeros to the right of the decimal are significant. 3 3 4 4. Zeros as place holders are not significant. 27, 2 1 2 A decimal point placed after zeros indicates they are significant. 3 2 4 5. There two situations in which numbers have an infinite number of sig figures. a) counting numbers: 23 people, 2 dozen, 3 moles. b) defined quantities (SI) : 100 cm, 60 sec, 1000 mg

3 5 How many sig figs? g Which digit is estimated?

4 265.73 g 171. g 4 8 5 The number of significant digits
depends on the instrument used. The last digit is always estimated. g 4 8 5


6 20 1

7 40. 2

8 8000 1

9 900. 3

10 9009 4

11 1

12 120 2

13 808 3

14 0.002 1

15 92,000 2

16 395,000. 6

17 12,080 4

18 0.8 1

19 1

20 2

21 1.0400 5

22 22,000,100 6

23 0.7000 4

24 3.0000 5


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