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Statistical units in the public sector

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1 Statistical units in the public sector
Tuula Viitaharju, Statistics Finland 19th International Roundtable on Business Survey Frames Cardiff, United Kingdom 17 – 21 October 2005

2 Background Public sector units in Business Register since 1985, 1990
register based statistics production & register-based population census system Business Register as base register => all employers to Business Register and employees linked to employers and their LKAUs Tuula Viitaharju October, 2005

3 Now public sector units
are ordinary part of Business Register in BR sample frame in BR statistics in BR information services cover central and local government Tuula Viitaharju October, 2005

4 Employment and number of units
enterprises local units employment central government municipalities joint municipal boards regional government of the Åland Islands public sector total public sector share of BR total, % 0, , ,8 Tuula Viitaharju October, 2005

5 Administrative and statistical units, 1
central government agencies legal unit point of operation (central government) the Regional Government of the Åland Islands (legal unit) point of operation (Åland) (quasi-)enterprise local kind of activity unit (LKAU) & local unit (LU) Tuula Viitaharju October, 2005

6 Administrative and statistical units, 2
municipalities joint municipal boards (legal units) operating units (municipalities and joint municipal boards) major cities (4 cities) point of operation (major cities) (quasi-)enterprise local kind of activity unit (LKAU) & local unit (LU) local kind of activity unit (LKAU & local unit (LU) Tuula Viitaharju October, 2005

7 Data collection Relies on the pension system of public sector employees State Treasury Local Government Pensions Institution Tuula Viitaharju October, 2005

8 Data collection, central government
Tuula Viitaharju October, 2005

9 Data collection, local government
Tuula Viitaharju October, 2005

10 Some notes measurement of employment, harmonisation needed
variables, some special for public sector units, some are not relevant (turnover) production timetable, lag when compared to private sector unit delineation, some development work needed double coding, originates from sources burden, better quality will produce more burden for the public sector organisations Tuula Viitaharju October, 2005

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