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Managing Your Weight Ch. 6 Lesson 1 Prepared by V. Morrissey.

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1 Managing Your Weight Ch. 6 Lesson 1 Prepared by V. Morrissey

2 EQ: Explain calories, their role as the body’s fuel, and how they affect body weight
Objectives: Contrast overweight and obesity and identify the impact of obesity on overall health Discuss healthful weight-loss and weight-gain strategies

3 The Calorie A calorie (kilocalorie) is a unit to measure energy.
the energy available in different foods Calories are a measure of the energy in food and the energy your body burns. Some foods have more calories than others. The specific number of calories depends on the amount of carbohydrates, fat and protein in the food as well as the portion size. What else can affect the calorie count of food? (The way it is prepared.)

4 Calories How many calories you need depends on: Rate of growth
Body size Gender Age Metabolic rate Activity level

5 Balancing the Energy Equation
Your weight stays the same IF – calories taken in = calories used What happens when you take in more calories than your body uses? (gain weight) What happens when you take in less calories than your body uses? (lose weight) Each pound of body fat equals about 3,500 calories. To lose 1 pound in a week, you need to consume 500 fewer calories than normal each day.

6 Weight Problems Too heavy or too thin can be a health risk
Overweight – weighing more than 10% over the standard weight for height Obesity – excess body fat or adipose tissue Usually obesity and overweight go together. However, in certain situation, being overweight might not be a risk. A football player or body builder may be overweight because of excess muscle not excess fat. Body composition, rather than weight, is often a better measure of fitness.

7 Obesity Strains the body frame
Increases the workload of the heart and lungs Why do people gain too much weight? Sedentary lifestyle Poor food habits Obese people have a high blood cholesterol, atherosclerosis and diabetes. Also affects self-esteem and social health. Studies show that many obese people actually eat less than normal-weight people who exercise more. Heredity may play a role. Some scientist believe that obese people have more fat cells, which may get smaller but never go away. Set point theory – each person has a biological set point for weight and body fat. The body works to maintain that point by lowering the metabolic rate when caloric intake goes down. Then it is hard to lose weight and keep it off.

8 Underweight Less energy reserve Harder to fight off infections
Increased risk of deficiencies Underweight – being 10% or more below normal weight Being underweight you have little body fat as an energy reserve Your have less protective nutrients stored which makes it harder to fight off infection and increases the risk of health problems when surgery is needed. Undernourished people have increased risks of deficiencies – iron-deficiency anemia

9 A Healthy Weight Desired weight (weight that’s best for you) is based on: Gender Height Body Frame Height/Weight charts – weights listed vary a great deal to account for different body frames Charts – two people who are the same height can have very different weights. A large-boned person will weigh more than a small-boned person of the same height.

10 Body Mass Index Body mass index (BMI) is the ratio of weight to height. Gauges total body fat Measuring a person’s body composition is a more accurate way to determine a healthy weight. BMI is a better measure of disease risk than body weight alone. Certain groups – athletes such as body builders and pregnant women should not use BMI as an indicator of health risks because they have abnormally high BMIs.

11 By the Calorie Control Council

12 Do not copy this slide!! Health Risk Based on BMI
BMI Category Under 25 26 – 27 28 – 30 31 – 34 35 – 39 40 and higher Health Risk Minimal Low Moderate High Very High Extremely High There is a formula on page 135 in the book if you want to calculate your exact BMI.

13 Managing Body Weight Losing weight requires lifestyle changes
Decrease calories consumed Not below 1400 – 1600 calories daily Eat low-calorie foods from the five food groups Increase energy used Make sure the calories you consume are nutrient dense It is a myth that people can lose weight simply by dieting. The human body tries to maintain a fixed weight or set point. When a person diets, the body thinks it is starving. It has a built-in safeguard to protect it from the famines that humans have had to face throughout history. As soon as an individual reduces the calories he or she consumes, the metabolic ate slows down, and the body begins to use fewer calories for all of its processes. If you add a small amount of exercise though to daily activities you can speed up the metabolic rate. Exercise helps your heart and lungs work better Helps tone your muscles – without exercise, you may lose lean tissue as well Increases the rate at which your body changes nutrients into energy Helps relieve stress Increases self esteem

14 Managing Body Weight Gaining weight requires lifestyle changes
Eat more complex carbohydrates Eat more frequently Eat nutritious snacks Exercise When trying to gain weight you want to exercise to be sure the weight you add is muscle and not fat

15 The Plan Target your weight Set smart goals Make a personal plan
Stick to your plan Choose a weight that is healthy for you. Talk to your physician. One half to one pound a week is a realistic goal Consider your own food preferences and lifestyle, choose activities you will enjoy doing. Keep a diary of your habits so you are more aware of what influences you. Avoid skipping meals. Evaluate your progress, but avoid weighing yourself every day. Weigh yourself once a week at the same time of day

16 Remember Think Positively!
Remember that it is okay if you mess up occasionally. Recognize that plateaus are normal.

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