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Human Organ Systems.

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1 Human Organ Systems

2 Skin - Integumentary Sensory organ Regulate water loss
Regulate temperature Protect from UV light (melanin).

3 Cardiovascular Moves oxygenated blood to the body and non-oxygenated blood to the heart. Provides nutrients to the body’s tissues.

4 Digestive To help the body extract nutrients from food.
Cilia found in the small and large intestines to increase surface area (absorption).

5 Endocrine Releases hormones into the blood stream to maintain homeostasis. Controls growth, reproductive maturity, reactions to experiences.

6 Excretory Removal of waste products from the body.
Kidneys: The body’s janitor.

7 Immune Protection from disease (bacteria or virus)
Specific defenses – white blood cells. Non-specific defenses – skin, mucus, hair, cilia, acids, tears.

8 Muscular Help with movement. Generate heat for the body.
Help with pumping blood (cardiac) and with digestion (smooth).

9 Nervous Central nervous system – brain/spinal cord
Peripheral nervous system – all other neurons. Allows for input of external/internal stimuli.

10 Respiratory Provides oxygen to lungs. Cleans the air
Controlled by diaphragm.

11 Skeletal Protect organs, brain.
Allow for muscles to pull/push – movement. Produce Red blood cells. Stores fat and minerals (calcium).

12 Negative Feedback System
Thermostat in your house is an example. The amount of hormone (or a product) determines how much longer than hormone will be released into the system.

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