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Grab a slice of pizza and a seat!

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Presentation on theme: "Grab a slice of pizza and a seat!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Grab a slice of pizza and a seat!
February SNA Meeting Grab a slice of pizza and a seat!

2 Opening Thought

3 Vice President Announcements
Care Packages Meet Emily after meeting if you have not picked up yours yet or if you are in need of socks

4 Treasurer Announcements
Pay your dues if you are new Venmo: ia_pineda $30 for any questions or thoughts on future percentage nights/profit shares!



7 BLOOD DRIVE February 18 (11-5)
Volunteer or donate blood to earn a point We still need volunteers from 12-1, 2-3, and 3-4 Link for sign up is on Facebook

8 TYPE 1 NATION EVENT February 24th at Gaylord Texan Hotel
Slot 1 from 8-12 Slot 2 from 12-4:30 Need names of volunteers by today!


Must be an ACTIVE member (attending 2/3 meetings per semester, as well as accumulating 2 outside points per semester) Must have a standing GPA of 2.5 (send proof of GPA to Professors Fife and Weatherly) To hold the office of president, must be either a junior or senior

11 PRESIDENT i. Preside at all meetings of this association, and the Executive Board ii. Appoint chairperson(s) of committees as needed iii. Shall serve as chairperson of the Executive Board iv. Call any special meeting that circumstances make necessary v. Have the authority to call for officer and committee reports at any time

12 PRESIDENT vi. Collect reports from specified officers and committee chairpersons before the Executive Board meetings vii. Serve as the TNSA liaison viii. Serve as liaison with TCU SNA advisors, faculty, professors, and staff ix. Be an ex-officio member of all committees except the Committee of Nominations x. Coordinate communications/social media with the Communications Chairperson

13 PRESIDENT xi. Participate in fundraising and community service activities xii. Be a member of NSNA xiii. Complete the required annual reports for SNA and TCU Harris College Student Relations Committee; Student Organizations; and complete annual constituency renewal Review and rewrite bylaws biannually with assistance of the parliamentarian

14 VICE PRESIDENT Arrange, Coordinate, Purchase, and Supervise Care Packages (month of November and December) Assist President with duties when not available Assist all Exec members whenever help is needed Attend monthly meetings and contribute to mission

15 SECRETARY Make powerpoints for the meetings
Order food for the meetings Keep tract of minutes during Exec meetings Assist other members of Exec when needed

16 TREASURER Collect dues, deposit checks and bills into SNA bank account
Sign checks and reimburse other exec members for SNA expenses Keep accurate records and entries Collaborate with Fife, Weatherly, and the President on the budget, maintain said budget, forward budget to the new treasurer Organize profit shares/percentages nights to support SNA funds Participate in all fundraising events and community service activities Responsible for the card

17 PARLIMENTARIAN Ensuring that meetings are punctual and run in order according to Roberts Rules of Order In charge of monthly raffle and opening thoughts for both Exec and all member meetings

18 MEMBERSHIP DIRECTOR Recruits potential members to join SNA
Keeps track of member participation at meetings and events

19 COMMUNICATIONS Send out s to nursing students about upcoming meetings and events Manages the SNA Instagram and Facebook accounts as well as the NEW website Answers any questions about upcoming meetings and events via !

20 ACTIVITIES Find nurses to speak at each meeting
Coordinate their schedules with our meetings Reserving rooms for each meeting Writing and distributing thank you cards to speakers

21 COMMUNITY SERVICE Plan the annual Red Cross/SNA Blood Drive
Coordinate other community service activities that students and Exec want to take on

22 Historian Duties Design apparel for the year and set up online store for orders Effectively communicate with merchants and faculty  Distribute merchandise to faculty and students Assist the other exec members in other duties they may need

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