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Presentation on theme: "WITCHCRAFT IN MEDIEVAL AGES"— Presentation transcript:

Many people have heard stories about witches. Everyone thinks that the witches are ugly old women who hate people and cast spells.

2 Of course nowadays we all know that such people (witches) do not exist
Of course nowadays we all know that such people (witches) do not exist. Well things haven't always been the same. In the medieval years people believed in the existence of withes.

3 They did not only believe in withes but they also killed every woman considered a witch. They also believed that witches were women controlled by SATAN in order to destroy humanity.

4 WAYS OF KILLING WITCES When people discovered that a woman was a witch they executed her. There were many ways of execution. The most common one was to burn the at the stake. They also had other ways of execution.

5 However most women who were considered to be witches and were executed just knew how to use different types of herbs in order to heal wounds or illnesses.

6 A REAL STORY A rumour has it that during the 15th century a mother whose kids were ill decided to go to the forest and gather some herbs in order to heal her kids. All of a sudden a man who accidently was in the forest accused her for witchcraft and she was executed.

7 WITCH - SAINT I guess that most of you are surprised from the title. How can a woman accused for witchcraft be announced as a saint? Well this has happened. The woman was Joan of Arc or Jan Dark.

8 Student: CHRISTOS SKLIVANOS Class: 3rd High School, E8
If there are questions go ahead and ask!


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