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European Master in Law & Economics (EMLE) Chonticha Sae-Lim Graduate School of Law Kyushu University Student Experience:

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Presentation on theme: "European Master in Law & Economics (EMLE) Chonticha Sae-Lim Graduate School of Law Kyushu University Student Experience:"— Presentation transcript:

1 European Master in Law & Economics (EMLE) Chonticha Sae-Lim Graduate School of Law Kyushu University Student Experience:

2 Topics Why Erasmus Mundus? My Erasmus experience Benefits of the program & reasons to participate

3 Why EMLE? Two Main Features: Opportunity to study at different universities in different countries Wide range of courses taught by experts in the fields –Example of courses offeredExample of courses offered Scholarship for non-European students

4 Ex. Courses Offered Aix-en-Provence Law & Economics and Social Changes New Trends in Law & Economics University of Bologna Securities Law & Economics Advanced Corporate Law & Economics University of Haifa Behavioral Analysis of Law A Research Colloquium in Behavioral and Economic Analysis of Law University of Hamburg Colloquium and Thesis Seminar International Law & Economics Law & Economics of European Integration University of Manchester The Economics of Intellectual Property & Information Technology Law Crime and Criminal Law Erasmus University Rotterdam Advanced Topics of Competition Law & Economic Regulation Law & Economics in the Courts University of California at Berkeley Seminar in Law & Economics University of Vienna Seminar: Recent Research in Law & Economics Seminar: Less and Better Regulation: Why and How? Colloquium

5 My Erasmus Mundus Year First semester at Erasmus University Rotterdam, the Netherlands Erasmus, the philosopher Challenges –Studying law in English –European law and directives

6 Second semester at University of Bologna, Italy –Oldest university founded in 1088 –Stimulating courses & teachers –(Famous Bolognese sauce) My Erasmus Mundus Year

7 Third semester at University of Hamburg, Germany –Encouraging & supportive supervisor –Thesis workshop My Erasmus Mundus Year

8 Benefits of the program Educational Network - variety of courses at 10 partner universities –Possible to study what you like –Possible to find your field of interest

9 Benefits of the program International perspectives from professors/ classmates

10 Other Reasons to Participate Travel opportunities To learn more about European culture To learn new languages To develop inter-cultural skills

11 Do Not Miss it!

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