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Balancing Equations Review & Nomenclature

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1 Balancing Equations Review & Nomenclature

2 Balancing Review Let’s balance the below! NaOH + HCl → H2O + NaCl
Mg(C2H3O2) 2 + H2 → HC2H3O2 + Mg Al(NO3)3 + CaBr2 → AlBr3 + Ca(NO3)2

3 Warm-Up Provide the name or formula for the below ionic compounds
NaOH Mg(C2H3O2) 2 Al(NO3)3 CaBr2 CuCO3 Nickel (II) nitrate Lithum phosphate Ammonium sulfide Cadmium chloride Potassium sulfate

4 Ionic Compounds Metal & nometal OR has a polyatomic ion
Name them by just using the ion names When making a formula use Cancel Out OR Criss-Cross

5 Covalent Compounds 2 nometals
The first element is just the element’s name and the second element ends in -ide Use number prefixes in the names Except if there is only one of the first element Mono = 1 Di = 2 Tri- = 3 Tetra- = 4 Penta- = 5 Hexa- = 6 Hepta- = 7 Octa- = 8 Nona- = 9 Deca- = 10

6 Find the formula that works for C’s and H’s
Hydrocarbons Recognize them because they contain both “H” AND “C” First part tells number of C’s ( #C = n) Meth, eth, prop, but, pent, hex, hept, oct, non, dec Second part tells number of H’s -ane CnH2n+2 -ene CnH2n -yne CnH2n-2 -anol CnH2n+1OH Find the formula that works for C’s and H’s

7 Acids Recognize them by the “H” in the front
Use the name of the ion to find the name of the acid -ide ion makes hydro__ic acid -ite ion makes ____ous acid (He’s cool. He ite with ous) -ate ion makes ____ic acid (I ate something icky.)

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