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NACT 2019 Empowering the trainees by appointing fellows for the Severn Foundation Programme Dr Callum Taylor and Dr Tim Thorne Musgrove Park Hospital (Taunton)

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Presentation on theme: "NACT 2019 Empowering the trainees by appointing fellows for the Severn Foundation Programme Dr Callum Taylor and Dr Tim Thorne Musgrove Park Hospital (Taunton)"— Presentation transcript:

1 NACT 2019 Empowering the trainees by appointing fellows for the Severn Foundation Programme Dr Callum Taylor and Dr Tim Thorne Musgrove Park Hospital (Taunton) and Southmead Hospital (Bristol) Hi Im Tim and this is callum and we are two foundation doctors  and 'foundation fellows' and we are here to talk about our roles and the fellow programme as a whole in our local patch (severn deanery)

2  5 F1s entering Severn deanery selected each year via competitive application process
 Has run since 2011  Role runs from start of F1 to end of F2  In 5 areas: leadership,education, simulation, quality improvement and sustainability We work in severn deanery – number 12 on map. Spans from taunton to gloucester and bits in between etc. Each year any of the ~270 new F1s can submit short written application for any of the fellow roles. These roles last from the start of f1 to the end of f2 in the five areas listed. Who are we?

3 Aims: Nurture leadership at an early stage in careers
Empower trainees and open up opportunities To provide accessible representation for junior doctors To foster early clinical innovation

4 Opportunities & support
 Each assigned a mentor  Funding for educational / developmental courses and conferences  Support for time off work to attend meetings and commitments  Encouragement / access to opportunities e.g. in research  Foundation school committee meetings So how does the role work beyond having the title of 'foundation fellow'? 

5 Five Roles:

6 Simulation fellow attendS South West Simulation organised by HEE HelpS to develop Simulation Training within the school A SIMULATION QIP "Collaborated alongside members of the acute Thrombolysis team to utilise simulation technologies in trialling thrombolysis pathways and procedures in situ at the Brunel building at Southmead Hospital ”

7 Sustainability fellow
Aligns with NHS wider commitment  to a government target of reducing carbon emissions by 80% by 2050 Promotes sustainable working practices to avoid waste and reduce environmental impact! Works with the GP Sustainability Scholar in addition to support from the Foundation School. ”Designed, organised and delivered a regional medical teaching programme to Foundation Year 2 doctors, on the subject of medical sustainability” Important role. Obviously shifting focus in public and private sectors towards reducing energy consumption but this role has wider focus on reducing all types of waste. Save time and money! The NHS has signed up to a government target of reducing carbon emissions by 80% by To work to help reduce the NHS‘s carbon emissions in all areas, through changing procurement practices, how patients and staff travel and through reducing energy use. Clinicians need to be involved with this process as they are often key in the decision making; regarding patient pathways, what equipment is used and as role models.

8 Leadership fellow Attend Foundation School Committee meetings. Contribute to the discussions and provide trainee perspective Attend the twice yearly national FDAB to represent Severn AMEE 2018 Deanery wide survey  QI projects Engaged locally  in F1 hospital to identify high impact actions to improve working environment for junior doctors My role (f2 leadership fellow) Pass over to my colleague callum


10 Quality Improvement: Run a QIP to present at a regional/international meeting. Coordinating the deanery wide Quality Improvement Projects.

11 Organise a regional QI conference

12 Education: QIP Attend the quarterly Education Strategy Group meetings
Joint Severn and Peninsula Education meetings. QIP

13 QIP- Surgical Triage and Patient Flow
Informative message sent to junior doctors Data gathered How best to raise awareness amongst junior doctors ?Difference found/Next PDSA ACT PLAN DO STUDY

14 “Emoji App”

15 This week at work we’ve been feeling:

16 Mentorship / Opportunities
Teaching Research Audit Mentorship / Opportunities


18 Does empowering junior (foundation) doctors create the innovative and evidence based practice required for the future?

19 Methodology Additional teaching Higher education course National conference - presentation/poster Regional conference- presentation/poster Attendance at national meeting Attendance at regional meeting Additional Quality Improvement Project Research + Publication Other additional achivement Analysis of qualitive feedback from 22 of previous and current cohorts of foundation fellows over period of 7 years ( ) Blinded marking by 2 foundation doctors Additional questionnaire for current scholars/fellows in the programme

20 22/30 Fellows through the programme.
36% reported involvement in additional teaching/education curriculum 18% taking additional HE course/degree modules 31% taking part in research/audit cycle during fellowship 30% presentation at national conference 9% published research

21 Is this just simple correlation?
Retrospective Subjective Based on unstructured feedback Would they have achieve this anyway? Follow up project designed to question this- do foundation fellows create

22 Three way comparison Cohort Applicants Mainstem

23 100% positive feedback

24 ‘I think the foundation fellow roles are brilliant; I hope you continue this excellent innovation for future trainees’.

25 Future Directions Specialty based fellowship programme
Collaboration with leadership training

26 Summary 5 roles Designed to nuture leadership, empower trainees, represent junior doctors and foster innovation Successful for both fellows and their peers Further development to follow New challenging program Nurture leadership, Empower trainees To provide accessible representation To foster clinical innovation 100% positive feedback

27 Many thanks to Clare van Hamel All the mentors within the programme

28 Questions?

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