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Presentation on theme: "MASS MEDIA."— Presentation transcript:


2 What’s the difference between media and mass media?
sources of information and news such as newspapers, magazines, radio and television, the Internet, that reach and influence large numbers of people

3 What role do the media play in our life and in today’s world?
How can they influence our lives?

4 Watch the video about the history of media
Work in pairs and fill in the chart Way of communication When Interesting facts (pros, cons) Paper / printing press Photography Morse Code / Telegraph Telephone Film / Television Radio PC / the Internet

5 Television Do you watch TV? How much time do you spend in front of TV?
Discuss these questions Do you watch TV? How much time do you spend in front of TV? What do you think about TV news? Are they reliable? Compare them with the newspaper. What are the benefits of watching TV? In what ways can it be harmful? What do you think about the commercials on TV?

6 Great Britain What channels can you watch on Czech TV? Difference ???
+ satellite channels digital broadcasting Difference ??? Public vs. private channels Examples Great Britain BBC 1, ITV – popular programmes, (sports programmes, recent films, the news, game shows, children’s programmes, soap operas,…) BBC 2, Channel 4 – attract smaller audience (TV plays, classical concerts, foreign films,….)

7 What kinds of programmes can you watch on TV?
News Documentaries Interviews / panels Shows / talk shows Series Soap operas Sit-coms Fairy tales Cartoons/animated films Films / puppet films Dramas

8 Radio Do you listen to the radio? How often?
What are you favourite stations? What are the differences between watching TV and listening to the radio? Do you agree? Radio is, in a sense, the Cinderella of the media.

9 Newspapers / magazines
Discuss in pairs What are the main differences between newspapers and magazines? content layout price frequency

Describe the main differences and give examples of each

11 take out a subscription caption cover column editor supplement
Explain these words: review take out a subscription caption cover column editor supplement investigative journalist hoax classified advertisement

12 The internet What exactly is the Internet?
What can be found on the Internet?

13 How do you personally use the Internet?
for school for your hobbies for getting in touch with friends for entertainment Social networks advantages x disadvantages consequences of using it

14 Compare these two pictures

15 Compare these two pictures

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