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Compliment Creations Intro to Leadership CS Lesson 209.

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1 Compliment Creations Intro to Leadership CS Lesson 209

2 Learning Target If I am selfish in life it could lead to…
10/17/2018 Learning Target I can express cause and effect of selfish behaviors and be able to state at least three character traits that represent my ideal self. If I am selfish in life it could lead to… If I am selfish in my relationships it could lead to… If I am selfish as a parent it could lead to…

3 COMPLIMENTS Have students get into a Wagon Wheel formation in “permanent high five position.” Picture an inside circle and an outside circle with everyone across from one partner. Same formation as the WAY In. Right hands should be up and they should turn to face opposite one another, right shoulder to right shoulder, holding their hands in the high five position. If you have an odd number, hop in to be someone’s partner. Have them rotate one or two positions to make sure best friends aren’t directly partnered up. For a laugh, have them look at each other first and say, “I like you, but I need to see other people.”




7 What stood out to you as important in this video?
What was your favorite compliment and why? How do we receive compliments gracefully? Why is it sometimes hard?

8 Genuine Questions Use clock partners to determine who they will share with.

9 Question One: What is the thing you believe most deeply to be true about people? About yourself?
Question Two: What is the most kind thing you’ve done for someone else? What is the most kind thing someone has done for you? Question Three: What is something that people assume about you that is wrong? What do you wish people knew about you?” Allow for about 10-15minutes

10 appreciate Have students write their compliment on a notecard or paper for the partner they were just sharing with. Then have them exchange cards. (it was really cool!)

11 Create your own Compliment Creation on a piece of paper and turn in for future days to pull out and practice as a class with a partner.

12 Final Thoughts The playwright and author Oscar Wilde once said, ‘Selfishness is not living as one wishes to live – it is asking others to live as one wishes to live. What does this quote mean to you? When do we ask others to live like us?


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