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Overview Erich S. Rudyj, NCPN Management Team USDA/APHIS/PPQ

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1 Overview Erich S. Rudyj, NCPN Management Team USDA/APHIS/PPQ
Science and Technology

2 Purpose NCPN provides a network for existing U.S. Clean Plant Centers, operating in government agencies & universities to accomplish: Diagnostics to identify plant pathogens Therapy to “clean” plants of targeted viruses Propagation to increase availability of clean materials Distribution clean planting stock to nurseries & growers

3 Seven Specialty Crops Represented
Currently 27 Clean Plant Centers across the country, some serving more than one of the seven crops in the Network: Fruit Trees: stone and pome fruits, including ornamentals Grapes: table, raisin, juice, and wine grapes Citrus: all types Berries: Fragaria, Rubus, and Vaccinium Hops: common and special varieties Sweetpotatoes: edible and ornamental Roses: large growers and small nurseries

4 Currently 40 collaborating programs operating in 27 Centers across 20 states, serving the entire United States

5 Benefits for stakeholders
Access to plants otherwise prohibited entry into USA Increased access to ‘clean’ planting material Reduces industry business risk and regulatory safety risk Non-regulatory solution to plant pathogen mitigation Collaborative cadre of cooperating scientists and stakeholders, and links allied’ programs (e.g. PEQ, nursery certification)

6 Crop Deliverable: Maintaining Foundations
Fruit Trees (Stone and Pome Fruits): about 2,250 clean fruit tree accessions Grapes: about 1,000 selections of clean grapevine accessions Hops: about 75 clean hop selections Berries (Strawberries, Blueberries, Cane Fruit): diagnose and clean about 75 new berry accessions annually and maintain clean plant foundations Citrus: about 400 clean citrus tree accessions Sweetpotato: add about 40 new sweetpotato accessions annually to existing foundations Roses: initiated advanced testing of about 600 rose selections currently maintained in foundations

7 Crop Deliverable: Distributing Clean Material
Fruit Trees (Stone and Pome Fruits): has delivered more than 500,000 cuttings, scions, and plantlets as well as more than 1.7 million buds to nurseries and growers Grapes: distributed more than 700,000 clean grape-wood cuttings, buds, plants, or special seed to industry Hops: foundation screenhouse accommodates about 30 percent of the world’s need for clean hops Berries (Strawberries, Blueberries, Cane Fruit): produces nearly 30 million clean berry plants annually Citrus: delivers ‘starter material’ to industry that has resulted in more than 275 million clean citrus trees over the past 6 years Sweetpotato: adds about 40 new sweetpotato accessions annually to existing foundations Roses: initiated advanced testing of about 600 rose selections currently maintained in foundations

8 Movement of Plant Material

9 Governance & Structure
Designed for Collaboration

10 A Collaborative Network
NCPN Mgmt Team Clean Plant Centers Working Groups Tier 1 Tier 2 National networking, coordination, balance, and visibility Manages funding mechanism Forum for critical discussions Advises on funding decisions Includes Research, regulatory, extension, educators, and industry for given crop Manages charter, membership, prioritization Advocacy for crop needs Conducts diagnostics & therapeutics, establishes & manages foundation materials Delivers services to stakeholders Recipient of national funds Strategic Planning Education, Outreach, & Communications Economics Quality Scientific Information Sharing

11 Tier 1 Core Working Group National Governing Board
Tom Bewick – USDA/NIFA Gary Kinard – USDA/ARS Clint McFarland – USDA/APHIS Cindy Cooper – WA Dept. Agric. Joseph Postman – ARS/Germplasm Robin Rosenbaum – MI Dept. Agric. Ruth Welliver – PA Dept. Agric. Phil Wilson – NC Dept. Agric.

12 Tier 2 Governance ensures broad representation
6 Industry Reps 4 Research/Extension Reps 3 Regulatory Reps 10 Industry Reps 8 Research/Extension Reps 6 Regulatory Reps 8 Industry Reps 2 Regulatory Reps 7 Industry Reps 8 Research/Extension Reps 2 Regulatory Reps 4 Industry Reps 4 Research/Extension Reps 2 Regulatory Reps 6 Industry Reps 5 Research/Extension Reps 3 Regulatory Reps 9 Industry Reps 7 Research/Extension Reps 1 Regulatory Rep

13 Special Initiatives Strategic Planning
Education, Outreach & Communications Economics Quality Scientific Information Sharing

14 Strategic Planning Initiative
Updating original Plan created in 2008 Team of 10 representatives revisiting NCPN mission, vision, strategies, goals, and objectives Intention is to strengthen and advance the Network Anticipated completion in 2019/2020

15 Education, Outreach & Communications Initiative
Cross-Network team working together since 2010 Output includes tools such as brochures, fact sheets, newsletters, posters, and presentations Renewed focus on national-level communications plan Examining options for leadership and expanding Extension component More focus on how to implement use of tools developed thus far

16 Economics Initiative Approximately 40 NCPN members participating in planning and implementing workshops Assessing existing economic studies Identifying gaps and need for additional data Create roadmap for using economic data for educating others about value of using clean plants

17 Quality Initiative Examining use of quality disciplines in:
Scientific programs Governance and management Record keeping Information management Administration of foundation collections Communications

18 Scientific Information Sharing Initiative
Analyzing existing processes for collaboration and sharing of pathogen information amongst scientists, regulators, and industry Exploring opportunities to improve efficiency and timeliness of sharing emerging information and best practices for mitigating virus threats Assessing potential for establishing state-of-the-art online information services

19 Cooperative Agreements Program 2018-2019
The “Engine” for Collaboration

20 Grant Funding: Approximately $6.15 million annually
What is Supported Governance Critical staffing needs Equipment/supplies Infrastructure improvements Service work: diagnostics, therapeutics, foundations

21 Grant Funding: cont’d Select Program Priorities Existing facilities
Highly restricted crops Formative program “governing bodies” Industry-focused service activities Program self-sufficiency

22 Historical allocations across seven crops
About $5m Fruit Trees: 20% - 25% Grapes: 20% - 25% Citrus: 20% - 25% Berries: 10% - 15% Sweetpotato: 5% - 10% Roses: 5% - 7% Hops: 3% - 5% Special Issues: 10%-12%

23 RFP Process Request for Applications Issued annually
Late summer/Early autumn, open for 10 weeks Competitive process

24 RFP Process, cont’d Eligible Applicants Land-Grant universities
Non Land-Grant universities State Agricultural Experiment Stations State or local governments Federal agencies

25 Governing Board meets to review all proposals
RFP Process, cont’d Proposal Reviews ‘Ad Hoc’ Committees for pre-proposals Governing Board for final proposals Chair sends a letter of participation in the review process to each Principal Investigator to include with their proposal to USDA Ad hoc Committee reviews proposals and writes letter to Governing Board Principal Investigators send draft proposal to NCPN Tier 2 Chair and Coordinator Governing Board meets to review all proposals Proposals Due to USDA

26 [slides to be created and customized by participants]
Crop Networks [slides to be created and customized by participants]

27 NCPN Grapes Established 2008

28 NCPN-Grapes Tier 2 Industry Reps Eric Amberg Phil Freese Dustin Hooper Kevin Judkins Rachel Lipman Steve Mudd Dennis Rak Vicky Scharlau Keith Streigler Fritz Westover Research/Extension Reps Marc Fuchs (Vice Chair) Deborah Golino (Chair) Scott Harper Jim Kamas Robert Martin Tim Martinson Rhonda Smith Wenping Qiu Regulatory Reps David Johnson Margaret Kelly Josh Kress Gary McAninch Liz Vavricka (vacancy) Coordinator Kristen Farrar

29 NCPN Fruit Trees Established 2008

30 NCPN-Fruit Trees Tier 2 Industry Reps Phil Baugher Cliff Beumel Jim Bittner Chalmers Carr Wanda Gale Dale Goldy Research/Extension Reps Maher Al Rwahnih (Vice Chair) Scott Harper Simon Scott (Chair) Bill Shane Regulatory Rep Richard Kaitany Dipak Poudyal Vicky Smith Coordinator Tanner Hunt

31 NCPN Berries Established 2010

32 NCPN-Berries Tier 2 Industry Reps Yongjiam Chang Bill Foote David Lawson Nate Nourse (Chair) Wendy O’Donovan Elizabeth Ponce Jon Umble (Vice Chair) Research/Extension Reps Christie Almeyda Maher Al Rwahnih Chad Finn Bob Martin Natalia Peres James Polashock Annemeik Schilder Ionnis Tzanetakis Regulatory Rep Dipak Poudyal (Vacant) Coordinator Kevin Schooley

33 NCPN Citrus Established 2010

34 NCPN-Citrus Tier 2 Industry Reps Aaron Dillon Dan Finch (Vice Chair) Jim Gorden Dale Murden Research/Extension Reps John da Graca Raghuwinder ‘Raj’ Singh Georgios Vidalakis (Chair) Glenn Wright Regulatory Rep Robert Krueger Benjamin Rosson Coordinators Irene Lavagi Fatima Osman

35 NCPN Hops Established 2010

36 NCPN-Hops Tier 2 Industry Reps Gayle Goschie Nate Jackson Michael Ferguson Jason Perault Bernard Gamache Brian Tennis (Vice Chair) Ed Atkins (Chair) Paul Matthews Regulatory Rep David Gent Jared Stuart Coordinator Tanner Hunt

37 NCPN Roses Established 2015

38 NCPN-Roses Tier 2 Industry Reps Pamela Allenstein Christian Bedard Jacques Ferare Bruce Gibson Wes Harvell Megan Mathey Craig Regelbrugge Mike Shoup Dan Waterhouse Matt Woolf Research/Extension Reps David Byrne (Chair) Deborah Golino (Vice Chair) John Karlik Malcolm Manners Brent Pemberton Ionnis Tzanetakis David Zlesak Regulatory Rep Jamie Legg Coordinators Natalie Anderson Pamela Hornby

39 NCPN Sweetpotato Established 2015

40 NCPN-Sweetpotato Tier 2
Industry Reps Jason Chandler Bill Foote (Vice Chair) Matt Garber Jim Jones Sue Leggett Dave Souza Research/Extension Reps Christie Almeyda Chris Clark (Chair) Henry English Stephen Meyers Scott Stoddard Regulatory Reps Ann Gallagher Richard Miller Sean Runyon Coordinator Dianne Coats

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