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Facts Facts Facts Facts Facts Facts 100 100 100 100 100 100 200 200

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1 Facts Facts Facts Facts Facts Facts 100 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500 500

2 What type of reform was the 16th Amendment?
Economic Reform

3 Name 3 territories we got as a result of the Spanish-American War.
Guam, Puerto Rico, the Philippines

4 What type of reform was the 17th Amendment?
Political Reform

5 What did Andrew Carnegie fund to try to improve education in America?

6 What impact did Henry Ford’s assembly line have on buyers in America?
People could afford more products since they were cheaper.

7 What law caused the population in the West to increase after 1860?
Homestead Act

8 Who started Hull House in Chicago to help immigrants adapt to America?
Jane Addams

9 What country was affected by the Open Door Policy?

10 What upbeat music represented the attitude of the 1920s?

11 Who was the first Supreme Court Chief Justice in the U.S.?
John Jay

12 T. Roosevelt, W.H. Taft, W. Wilson, & W. Harding
Put these presidents in order: Woodrow Wilson, William Howard Taft, Warren Harding, Teddy Roosevelt. T. Roosevelt, W.H. Taft, W. Wilson, & W. Harding

13 What did Teddy Roosevelt’s Newlands Reclamation Act try to conserve?

14 What was an economic effect during WWI?
Overseas trade increased

15 Who was the head of the U. S
Who was the head of the U.S. Expeditionary Forces in WWI, chased Poncho Villa in Mexico, and graduated from West Point? John J. Pershing

16 Why was Tin Pan Alley important in the 1920s?
It was the center of sheet music publishing in New York.

17 What political party was set up by mainly western and southern farmers that opposed banks, railroads, and the upper class? Populist Party

18 What caused people to become anti-immigrant in the 1920s?
Red Scare

19 What was passed when wages went down on the West Coast and unemployment went up?
Chinese Exclusion Act

20 What effect did the Harlem Renaissance have in the 1920s?
African Americans celebrated their culture with art, writings, & music.

21 Why did people support the Prohibition Amendment?
To lower the amount of alcohol consumed

22 What did the U.S. government do to help win WWI to maximize our economic resources?
Raise taxes

23 What action was taken by the Federal Reserve to influence the supply of money & credit to keep prices steady & our economy growing? Monetary policy

24 What areas were reformed in the Progressive Era?
Labor practices, big business, & political parties

25 They wanted railroad rates lowered.
How did the Populist & Granger movements in the 1880s & 1890s try to influence the Interstate Commerce Commission? They wanted railroad rates lowered.

26 China’s Boxer Rebellion
What problem happened due to foreign trading rights due to the Open Door Policy? China’s Boxer Rebellion

27 How did transportation change in the 1920s?
More people could afford cars due to mass production.

28 What term allows proposed legislation or laws to be submitted to the voters for approval?

29 To make more land available to white settlers
Why did the U.S. government remove Native Americans from their lands to reservations & then kill the buffalo? To make more land available to white settlers

30 Who was the politician from Wisconsin who was a model for progressive reformers because he thought the government should listen to the people more than party bosses? Robert La Follette

31 What 3 areas that grew in the Gilded Age?
Immigration, Urbanization, & Industrialization

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