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St. Thomas Aquinas and the Catechism of the Catholic Church

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1 St. Thomas Aquinas and the Catechism of the Catholic Church
The Law St. Thomas Aquinas and the Catechism of the Catholic Church

2 The treatise on the Evangelical Law
The correspondence between St. Paul and the Sermon on the Mount Christological Character of the Treatise

3 Treatise on the Law ST I-II, qq. 90-108
Law-an extrinsic principle of human acts Originates in God Reason What is the “end” of the law? What is the end of human action?

4 Treatise on Law “rationis ordinatio ad bonum commune, ab eo, qui curam communitatis habet, promulgata”

5 Kinds of Law Eternal Law Natural Law Human Law Divine Law
What does it have to do with Divine Providence? Natural Law How is it promulgated? Human Law Fallible? Divine Law Old New

6 The New Law Two elements Theology and the New Law
Grace of the Holy Spirit Teachings of faith, commandments, Scripture, Sacraments Theology and the New Law Holy Spirit and Virtues Infused Moral Virtues New Law and Reason Sermon on the Mount Moral Precepts and Virtue The Law of Freedom The Evangelical Counsels

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