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World War I The Road to War.

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1 World War I The Road to War

2 Troubles in Europe Tensions in Europe grew as European nations pursued dreams of empires, built up their armies and formed alliances. Nationalism, or a feeling o intense loyalty to one’s country or group, was a cause of much of the tension. It encouraged new nations to unify and establish their place in the world. It also encouraged certain ethnic groups to break away and form independent nations of their own.

3 Troubles in Europe (cont)
Imperial expansion added to the tension. Nations looked to expand their empires, settling colonies that brought raw materials, new markets, and prestige. Great Britain and France had large overseas empires in Africa, Asia and other parts of the world. Germany, Italy and Russia looked to increase their colonies. Few areas were left to colonize, however, so conflict often occurred.

4 Troubles in Europe (cont)
Militarism, or building up a nation’s army and navy, also caused tension. As one nation built up its military powers, rival nations felt threatened and also built up their military powers. Germany, France, and Russia had huge armies in the early 1900s. A bitter rivalry that threatened peace in Europe grew between Germany and Great Britain. Britain had the world’s largest and strongest navy and Germany challenged it.

5 Troubles in Europe (cont)
The alliance system also contributed to the tension in Europe. Two defense alliances, or agreements among nations to defend each other during a war, aimed to keep peace by creating a balance of power among the European nations. However, this system actually created a great danger because an attack on one nation could trigger a war with many nations.

6 The Alliances Central Powers (Triple Alliance) – Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy Allied Powers (Triple Entente) – Great Britain, France, and Russia

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