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Identify The type of Economy

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Presentation on theme: "Identify The type of Economy"— Presentation transcript:

1 Identify The type of Economy

2 A girl goes to public school
Her father works in a factory The factory is owned by the government

3 A man starts his own business
He sends his daughter to school He has 7 employees At the end of the week he chooses not to pay them

4 A man works for the city police
His daughter goes to school He has a mortgage and a bank account His son is in band

5 Mark works in a factory He is provided a house The government ships resources to the factory The factory makes shoes

6 A mans house catches on fire
He calls the fire department They come put out the fire They charge him for putting out the fire The man rebuilds his home

7 Steve is a teacher His kids go to the school he teaches at He pays for his kids tuition to the school He cant send his third child to school because he cant afford it

8 A man works in the military
The military is run by the government His wife works at a bank as a loan officer His children go to school

9 Bob has a job He mows lawns His father mowed lawns before him And his grandfather before him Society and culture dictate his son will mow lawns when he grows up

10 Jimmy Work in a position in law enforcement
He has a house to live in His wife is a teacher His kids go to school Jimmy has a hard time choosing between coke or pepsi he is having a hard time at work A new law says he cant shoot his gun unless fired upon Jimmy likes to play golf on the weekend

11 Jamal has a illness Jamal has no health insurance His treatment costs to much Jamal Dies He has a minibar installed in his coffin with the little money he had The lawyer ignores this in the will and keeps the last of Jamal’s Money

12 There is pollution from every factory
Everyone owns a gun People get shot and no one does anything Only the rich can afford protection Most people live underground The lizard people invade They are quickly defeated by squirrels The squirrels rule the world They kill anyone who is not adequately protected

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