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2019 – Proposed budget.

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Presentation on theme: "2019 – Proposed budget."— Presentation transcript:

1 2019 – Proposed budget

2 2019 Proposed Budget- CHS P&C
The proposed 2019 budget is set out below. Proposed amounts are based on: Specific items: motions at previous P&C meetings 2. Historical expenditure 3. Admin costs - best estimate • Remember that a budget is a guide only- additional expenditure can be added during the year as requests are received and items may be amended

3 Key focus areas - 2019 Duke of Edinburgh (yrs 9 -11)
Sports program (all) Proactive voice in infrastructure planning Building e.g. toilets, oval bubblers Student & parent sessions Fund school initiatives e.g. Theatre sports (English Dept.) Merit awards & annual prize-giving Learning & development Student Well - being Leadership & co-curricular Enhancing the school environment

4 2019 Proposed Budget- CHS P&C
Expenditure Items - previously committed at 2018 P&C meetings is approx. $32k: • Student initiative – Mock parliament $1k • Before and after school sports program $ 3.5K • 2 water stations/bubblers at oval $10k Well-being sessions (fully funded by RSL grant proposal $16.8k)

5 2. Items traditionally funded- totals approx. $34k
Duke of Edinburgh - specialist support teacher $17k Well-being “Respectful Relationships and Sexual health on August 5 & 6 (proposed $4.5k) Theatre Sports (proposed $4.7k) Leadership camp $3,000 Year 12 farewell gift $2000 Annual Chris Sterling Scholarship Award $ 300 Orientation day morning tea $ 500 World Teachers day morning tea $ 500 (not spent in 2018) Welcome event for new families $ 500 Art Show $ 500

6 3. Administrative costs We will also need funds to administer the P&C- estimated at $7k; including: • Audit fees • Bookkeeping fees • Insurances •General expenditure

7 To date - our Principal & leadership team have requested
funding of: Duke of Edinburgh program $17k Before school sports program $3.5k Respectful Relationships – additional wellbeing sessions $4.4k Theatre Sports (English Dept.) $4.7k

8 Total Expenditure Plus Building Fund contributions ($67.2k in 2018)
Income (estimated $74k) Income received - locker hire, fund raising & interest $16.3K Other income: General Fund contributions estimate $41.7k (2018) Grant received RSL ($16.8k) Plus Building Fund contributions ($67.2k in 2018) Total Expenditure As detailed in items (estimated $73.5k) Building fund expenditure ( approx. $160.5k – 52k already paid)

9 Several additional fund raising events are being explored
+ Possible $2k from Bendigo Bank Community grant Suggest increase in general contributions by $10 from $90 to $100 for 2020 Current contributions suggested are - $90 general fund $150 building fund* tax deductible


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