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What types of elements or molecules are important in your body?

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Presentation on theme: "What types of elements or molecules are important in your body?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What types of elements or molecules are important in your body?
Homework tonight: read/annotate article, answer reading analysis questions

2 In your groups… Predict how much of each biomolecule you need a day
How many grams of sugar? How many grams of carbohydrates? How many grams of fiber? How many grams of fat? How many grams of protein?


4 Is that all that is important?

5 Biomolecules Today, we will focus on the 4 main types of biomolecules that have important functions in your body These are sometimes called macromolecules Why? What does macro mean? 1. Carbohydrate 2. Lipids 3. Proteins 4. Nucleic Acids

6 Biomolecules Station Go to each station with your group
Read the article and fill out your table Ask each other for help if you cannot find the answer on your own

7 Biomolecules Twitter Campaign

8 Exit Ticket How does the structure of a lipid affect its function (what it can do)?

9 Warm up: What is the function of carbohydrates in your body
Warm up: What is the function of carbohydrates in your body? Flush: Would you rather have 1 really close friend or many friends who aren’t as close with you? Homework this week: Biochem study guide DUE FRIDAY Biochem QUEST on friday

10 Lipids (Fats) Structure: Lipids are made of a fatty acid chain that is linked to a glycerol They contain Carbon, Hydrogen, and Oxygen

11 Lipids (fats) Function: Make up the cell membrane
Provide cushioning and insulation for organs Stores long term energy Can act as hormones

12 Lipids (Fats) Examples:
1. Phospholipids: the type of lipid in the cell membrane 2. Steroid Hormones: Hormones that can carry messages in the body Ex: Testosterone and estrogen 3. Cholesterol: A lipid that keeps your cell membranes in the correct shape 4. Adipose Tissue: Fat tissue that surrounds organs, protects, and stores energy

13 Carbohydrates (Sugars)
Structure: Carbohydrates are made of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen The are usually in a ‘ring’ structure Made up of monosaccharides that chain together

14 Carbohydrates (Sugars)
Function: Provide structure to cell walls in plants Provide short term energy Allows cells to make ATP through cellular (aerobic) respiration

15 Carbohydrates (Sugars)
Examples: 1. Lactose- the sugar found in milk 2. Sucrose- ‘table’ sugar 3. Glucose- used in cellular respiration 4. Cellulose- in plant cell walls

16 Exit Ticket 1. Explain one example of a lipid and state its function
2. Explain one example of a carbohydrate and state its function

17 Biochemistry Quest on Friday Biochemistry Review Questions Due Friday
Warm up: State two examples of carbohydrates and explain their function. Flush: What is your favorite color? Why? Biochemistry Quest on Friday Biochemistry Review Questions Due Friday

18 Proteins Structure: A protein is a large molecule made up of amino acids The amino acids are held together in a chain by peptide bonds The protein folds into a complex shape in order to do its job

19 Proteins Function: Proteins ‘do’ all the stuff in a cell
They can carry messages and communicate with other cells The can destroy bacteria or viruses They can help transport things in and out of the cell They can be hormones

20 Proteins Examples: 1. Hemoglobin- carries oxygen to your tissues
2. Insulin- allows glucose to enter your cells to create energy 3. Antibodies- part of your immune system that can destroys pathogens

21 Nucleic Acids Structure: Nucleic acids are made up of nucleotides
RNA is single stranded DNA is a double stranded helix

22 Nucleic Acids Function: Nucleic acids store and carry genetic information in order to make proteins in your cells

23 Nucleic Acids Examples:
1. DNA- In the nucleus of your cells and tells your cells what proteins to make 2. RNA- Helps carry the DNA message to create a protein

24 Biomolecules Card Sort

25 Biomolecules Table 1. Fill in everything you can on your own WITHOUT NOTES 2. Get up and find one other person in the room 3. Give them ONE box and get ONE box

26 Exit Ticket 1. Explain three different functions of proteins in your body 2. Describe the structure of proteins 3. Describe the structure of nucleic acids

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