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Learning Intention: 8.LS4.3

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1 Learning Intention: 8.LS4.3
Science 8th Grade Standard 11 Learning Intention: 8.LS4.3 Analyze geological, paleontological, and anatomical evidence which demonstrates that specific phenotypes in a population can increase the probability of survival of that species. Terms/Phases to Investigate Geological, paleontological, anatomical, phenotypes Crosscutting Concepts (CCCs) Cause and Effect, Structure and Function, Stability and Change Science and Engineering Practices (SEPs) Analyze evidence, Construct Explanations, Argue from evidence Success Criteria/I Can Statement By the end of this unit I will be able to say... ...I can explain how phenotype variations results in species survival.

2 Phenomenon What is a phenomenon? What is phenomena?
What phenomenon or phenomena do you see in these pictures? Get in groups. Discuss this, and/or do some online research. Crotalus horridus What is a phenomenon? What is phenomena? Crotalus lepidus

3 Why and how do these rattlesnakes look so different from each other?
Questions for Students to Answers 1) What class do they belong to? 5) Are they venomous? 2) Are they ectotherms or endotherms? 6) Where do they live? 3) What phenotypes do you see? 7) What is special about their tails? 4) What are these snakes doing? 8) What are their common names? Why and how do these rattlesnakes look so different from each other? how Crotalus horridus Crotalus lepidus

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