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Agenda Hand-in your Contract Q / A

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1 Agenda Hand-in your Contract Q / A
Chapter 5 – Culture and Global Diversity Chapter 6 – Entrepreneurship

2 Problem Statement Summary of what you heard (researched) – paragraph or two Problem Statement – one sentence What will you do for WillowBank? One Page – hand-in next class. Then, when OK’d – send to client for confirmation.

3 International / Global Workforce: Chapter 5
Country Cultural Values Hofestede’s Cultural Dimensions Working in another country Culture Shock (Manager’s Notepad) Re-entry Shock

4 Hofstede’s Cultural Dimensions
Power Distance Individualism vs Collectivism Masculine vs Feminine Uncertainty / Avoidance Long / Short term orientation

5 Hofestede Power distance describes in how far members of a society expect and accept that influence is distributed unequally. Power distance as a dimension distinguishes cultures with members who are more equal to each other (low power distance) from cultures whose members are less equal from each other (high power distance).

6 Individualism versus collectivism describes the degree of individuals being integrated in groups. This dimension makes a distinction between cultures whose members are only loosely connected and who are responsible for themselves (individualistic), and cultures whose members are strongly integrated into groups or families (collectivistic).

7 Masculinity versus femininity explains in how far a society is characterized through extrovert and competitive behaviour (masculine). As opposed to a masculine society, femininity is expressed through more modest and caring attributes and the emphasis of interpersonal harmony.

8 Uncertainty avoidance deals with the tolerance towards uncertainties and ambiguities. Cultures scoring high on uncertainty avoidance aim at avoiding new and unexpected situations by applying strict rules, laws, detailed planning, and other precautions. Cultures with low uncertainty avoidance often show their emotions more compared to cultures with high uncertainty avoidance.

9 Tricky one … Speed versus Traditions
Long-term versus short-term orientation describes saving and endurance (long-term oriented) as predominant values as opposed to the respect of traditions, social commitment, and save one’s face (short-term oriented). Furthermore, cultures differ in their “conceptions of accuracy, punctuality, and speed, [which] are potentially very relevant to the organization

10 NEW


12 Task: Consultant … bring together
China / Canada India / Netherlands Australia / Poland South Korea / Sweden India / USA Similar / Different / three things to share

13 Trompenaars’s Framework
Universalism vs Particularism rules or relationships Individualism vs Collectivism the individual or the group Neutral vs Affective the range of feelings expressed Specific vs Diffuse the range of personal involvement Achievement vs Prescriptive how status is accorded

14 Other International Insights
Home versus Host … Issues: Child Labour, Bribes, Trade agreements

15 Entrepreneurs – Chapter 6

16 Entrepreneurs Myths Characteristics Born not made Are gamblers
High Need to Achieve Tolerance for ambiguity Self-confident Passion / action oriented Self-reliant / Independent Flexible Myths Born not made Are gamblers Money is necessary Young Degree in business Does this sound like you? Why not give it a try?

17 Pain Points “Ask not what your customers can do for you, but what you can do for your customers.” Amazon, Netflix's, Uber, Airbnb From pain to opportunity: What seems to be the problem? Let’s do a reflection …

18 Past – Present – Future Look back to grade school – what was happening around you (what products / services were important) Look to High School / University (products / services / inventions) Where will the world “be” in 20 years? What can you do to get there first?

19 Show our creativity Entrepreneurs - What did you come up with?
Share it with a small group.

20 BioLinc / BrockLinc March 1st

21 Next Day …Cpt. 14 Leadership
Read Case 14.1 – Broadband Be prepared to answer Q 1 in class.

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