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Mormonism and Illinois

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1 Mormonism and Illinois
Illinois History

2 Origins of Mormonism Joseph Smith (b. 1805) Western New York
Prophet Western New York Experiences visions Told of Golden Tablets Translates tablets into The Book of Mormon Joseph Smith ( )

3 What is Mormonism? Belief in Bible in addition to Book of Mormon
Jesus’ dealings in the New World Practice polygamy Oppose Slavery All excess money goes to Church Abstaining from: Alcohol, Tobacco, Caffeine Use

4 Tribulations Searching for an area to fully establish their new religion Kirtland, Ohio Jackson County, Missouri Violence On to Illinois, 1839.

5 Illinois Purchase a small town Rename it Nauvoo
“The City Beautiful” Granted powerful charter Nauvoo Legion 2nd Largest Army in US 12,000 pop. by 1845


7 Hostility in Nauvoo Non-Mormons in the area begin fearing Joseph Smith and his Church Political Power Large Army Cultural differences Saints begin questioning Smith as well. Too power hungry

8 “were a set of unprincipled men, lawless, debouchees, counterfeiters, Bogus Makers, gamblers, peace disturbers, and that the grand object of said proprietors was to destroy our constitutional rights and chartered privileges; to overthrow all good and wholesome regulations in society; to strengthen themselves against the municipality; to fortify themselves against the church of which I am a member, and destroy all our religious rights and privileges, by libels, slanders, falsehoods, perjury & sticking at no corruption to accomplish their hellish purposes. and that said paper of itself was libelous of the deepest dye, and very injurious as a vehicle of defamation,—tending to corrupt the morals, and disturb the peace, tranquility and happiness of the whole community, and especially that of Nauvoo” -Joseph Smith (on the Nauvoo Expositor)

9 1844. Smith orders destruction of Nauvoo Expositor press.
Joseph Smith and his brother are jailed for the destruction of property While in jail, both are killed by a mob Brigham Young takes his followers to the Salt Lake Basin

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