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Exciting things we could discuss

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1 Exciting things we could discuss.......




5 Exciting things we will discuss – CASES21 Training!
Who has heard of the CAMPUS learning centre? Who has accessed any of the on demand training modules? Who has used the site to search for other resources? Who has recommended the site to others? Who has heard of the new CASES21 Blended Learning Curriculum?

6 A Quick Look at Training Resources - CAMPUS learning centre

7 A Quick Look at Training Resources - CAMPUS learning centre











18 A Quick Look at Training Resources - CAMPUS learning centre
2017 Statistics February - September The number of times Online Demand training modules have been accessed 7121 The number of times DET URL’s have been accessed via the site 1701 The number of times word document resources have been accessed on the site 2587

19 But wait, there’s more!!

20 CASES21 ‘Blended Learning’ curriculum
The introduction of the ‘blended’ learning the CASES21 Curriculum will offer interaction, networking and engagement for learners, with SSTS trainers, both in a classroom environment and online ‘Just in time’ modules. It includes a combination of face to face, online training, policy reading and assessments by the participant.

21 Why? Currently the training is delivered via a stand-alone ‘face to face’ training module. This module is delivered over a half, or one day with a pre-requisite to attend the CASES21 Introduction before- hand, but with no follow up after the training has been completed. What this means is that yes, you may have attended the data entry training but may still not be overly familiar with the guidelines and policies required.

22 The Blended Learning CASES21 Curriculum incorporates,
face to face training, short online modules completed at school or in your own time, reading of policies and guidelines, support from trainers either by phone or assessments testing your knowledge a refresher/forum/question session and certificate. Timelines range from a few days to a couple of weeks

23 Example

24 Example

25 Example

26 Example

27 Example

28 Example

29 Example

30 Example

31 Example

32 Coming soon

33 This training approach, reinforces the use of correct policy, best practice; provides more support, feedback and resources leads to being better trained for and hopefully help with career progression.

34 Questions.

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