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Yetis, Griffins & Jackalopes

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2 Yetis, Griffins & Jackalopes
Years 5/6 Yetis, Griffins & Jackalopes Yetis Teacher: Mr Clark-Keen (Phase Leader) Teaching Assistant: Mrs Hill Griffins Class Teachers: Mrs Ward & Mrs Bowles Trainee Teacher: Miss Walsh Jackalopes Class Teacher: Mrs Williams Teaching Assistants: Mrs Gaskin & Mrs Payne-Cook Cover supervisor: Mrs Hill

3 Before and After school routines
Children put their Lunch box on the class lunch box trolleys. Children are dismissed from the classroom onto the playground at the end of the day via the kitchen door. Their teacher will wait in the classroom or by the classroom door. They are told to come back if they can’t find their parent. Children are reminded to take home letters and to give replies to their teacher. They are responsible for handing their own lunch (or other) money into their teacher before registration. We do not use contact books for communication so please write a quick note on paper if you want to let us know something.

4 Timetable

5 Topics & Science Term Topic Science 1 Ancient Greece
Properties and Changes of Materials 2 World War 1 3 Mexico Evolution and Inheritance 4 Water Worlds 5 Invaders and Settlers Forces 6

6 Homework & Reading Approximately 90 minutes per week (including reading, spelling & times tables practice). Homework is set every week – please help your child to get into a routine. Unless stated otherwise (e.g. poster, PPT etc.), homework should be completed in the green book provided. Homework will be either Maths, English or Topic. At parents’ request from previous years, some research homework will be set over 2 weeks to allow for time to complete the research. Children should complete 7 reading entries each week, documented in their reading records. These will be checked every Friday.

7 How can I help my child at home?
Read regularly and talk about the books they are reading Word games, quizzes & puzzles Times tables incentives Involve your child in every day maths - Cooking Shopping DIY Bank accounts (!) Time e.g. journey planning, using timetables Trips to the library to read topic-specific books or places of interest related to our topics.

8 What to do if you have a concern or problem
First, speak to the class teacher. They are often available after school. The office can always arrange an appointment if they aren’t available. (It is always helpful to let the office know why you want to speak with the teacher so they can pass this on in advance of your meeting). You can meet with the phase leader if you feel the matter has not been resolved. If you still feel the matter has not been resolved, you can make an appointment to meet with a senior member of staff. We now ask all parents when making an appointment to see a senior member of staff to provide the following information prior to the appointment. The reason Any other staff already spoken to about the issue e

9 Lastly... Reminder for correct PE kits for lessons Name in uniform
Water bottle No pencil cases please Parent’s Evening: Early November Keep your eye on the website for all the latest news, more detailed information and dates for your diary.

10 Life Skills

11 Any questions?

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