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What is allele frequency?

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Presentation on theme: "What is allele frequency?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What is allele frequency?
17.1 Genes and Variation LT: Analyze shifts (changes) in numerical distribution of traits and use these shirts as evidence to support evolution by natural selection Focus Questions: What is allele frequency? What causes allele frequency to change in a population?

2 FQ: How does evolution by natural selection change a population over time?
ET: Get into a group of 3 and pick up one copy of the lab from the front of the room Read the lab with your group of 3

3 Gene Pool: The combined genetic information of all the members of a particular population
All the members of a population may interbreed so they share a group of common genes

4 What are the 2 main sources of genetic variation?
Mutations: Any change in a sequence of DNA Q: how do mutations occur? radiation, environment, replication of DNA Gene Shuffling: Your 23 pairs of chromosomes can produce 8.4 million different combinations of genes! Q: how do chromosomes get arranged so differently? Independent assortment and crossover

5 Directional Selection
When nature selects individuals at one end of the bell curve as the fittest

6 Stabilizing Selection
When nature selects individuals in the middle of the curve as more fit and the bell narrows

7 Disruptive Selection When nature selects individuals at opposites ends of the curve as more fit.

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