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Happy Friday! HW: Module 32 Important:

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1 Happy Friday! HW: Module 32 Important:
If absent for Unit 6 exam, see me to schedule a make up date.

2 Memory System Automatic and Effortful Processing Practice
Memory Cards FRQ’s Memory Process Chart Strategies for Memory Improvement Outline the principles that underlie effective encoding, storage and construction of memories. Describe strategies for memory improvement Describe and differentiate psychological and physiological systems of memory

3 Automatic (Implicit) Processing
Memories that are processed automatically - without us consciously being aware. You process space, time, and frequency. Implicit Memories = pieces of information you can automatically recall (knowing your name) Procedural Memories = remembering the steps to complete a task

4 Effortful (Explicit) Processing
Memories that consist mostly of facts or experiences. Semantic Memories = memories about knowledge - not linked to personal experiences. Episodic Memories = memories of previous experiences. Often times the most inaccurate.

5 Practice In your group of four, create 16 memories (one on each paper square). Make sure each type of memory is represented. Put answer on back. Shuffle them up (don’t group them together) 35

6 Memory Basics Encoding: getting information into our brain
Storage: retaining that information Retrieval: getting the information back. You are encoding this information in hopes that it is stored correctly and you can retrieve it on a test.

7 Memory Retrieval Somewhere in your notes, write a list of all the teachers you have had up until last year. See how many you can remember.

8 Memory Process (See p319)

9 Strategies for Memory Improvement

10 Chunking Dividing things into smaller groups.
Example: social security number or telephone number.

11 Mnemonics Memory aides - generally organization devices.
Example: ROY-G-BIV or CIPL (Cornea, Iris, Pupil and Lens)

12 Hierarchies Taking a broad concept and breaking it down into subcategories.

13 Answer this as though it is an FRQ.
Practice Last night, Carlos’ mom told him he needed to buy milk today. So, he hopped on his bicycle this morning and headed to the corner store to pick up a gallon. Explain how both implicit and explicit memories were used involved in Carlos’ adventure. Answer this as though it is an FRQ.

14 How is this a good example of an FRQ answer?
Practice Answer Implicit memories are unconscious and something you can do automatically. Carlos’ ability to ride the bike shows it’s implicit because he was able to complete that task without thinking about it. Explicit memories are conscious and things that you are aware of. Carlos’ ability to remember to buy milk at the store is an explicit memory because he is remembering a personal experience from his conversation with his mom the previous day. How is this a good example of an FRQ answer?


16 Strategies Practice

17 hands perpetual separate tasty symptoms humorous comfortable hair note soap decided payment ordinary three mundane own rescue press record married educated fool judge pretty vegetable explode paddle splendid volcano rain


19 ill low stir teeth fade tiny icky cherry rain overflow lying bouncy bore ahead deliver cheap remain empty chew spiky draconian smiling street high dock sticky snake ordinary flaky ship


21 romantic future vigorous sofa prefer play whistle mine gold stream mellow caption mom green bells stain mess ratty astonishing assorted flat political rabid deserted wry partner toes sharp answer vast


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