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School of Computer Science

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1 School of Computer Science
Fall Recitation Homework 9 Building A Web Application Phase-I Leman Akoglu 11/4/2009

2 HW9 Outline Building a simple Web application (CMUBook) using JSP
2 phases Phase I : design and documentation due 11/10  next Tue! hard copy in class Phase II : implementation due 11/19 both hard copy in class and via .

3 Database Design Methodology
[N. Roussopoulos and R.T. Yeh] description impl.+test. conc. mod. req. anal. code. tests top level I.F.D. schema. user’s man. sys. anal. task emul. task + doc forms. pseudo-code

4 Phase-I Phase-II description impl.+test. conc. mod. req. anal. code.
tests top level I.F.D. schema. user’s man. sys. anal. task emul. task + doc forms. pseudo-code

5 Recitations Phase-1 Phase-2 Q&A 11/4 2:30pm-3:20pm DH 2122
11/10 11/11 2:30pm-3:20pm DH 2122 11/11 3:30pm-4:20pm DH 2105 11/18 2:30pm-3:20pm DH 2122 11/18 3:30pm-4:20pm DH 2105 11/19 Phase-1 Phase-1 due Phase-2 Q&A Phase-2 due  Send additional questions to

6 Today’s Outline Homework 9 description Deliverables Data requirements
Functionality requirements Deliverables Top-level Information Flow Diagrams (IFDs) Document forms Entities & Relations Schema (in BCNF or 3NF)

7 Phase-I Phase-II description impl.+test. conc. mod. req. anal. code.
tests top level I.F.D. schema. user’s man. sys. anal. task emul. task + doc forms. pseudo-code

8 Homework 9 CMUBook Tasks to implement
A mini web application like Facebook Users could upload/tag photos, add friends, etc. Tasks to implement Registration Login/Logout Photo Upload Photo Browsing Photo Tagging Profile Review Search by User Name Friendship Management Reporting

9 Phase-I Phase-II description impl.+test. conc. mod. req. anal. code.
tests top level I.F.D. schema. user’s man. sys. anal. task emul. task + doc forms. pseudo-code

10 Top level information flow diagram
reg. form T1-reg. user rec. external doc.s (web forms) tasks internal doc.s (db tables) System boundary

11 More on top level diagram
reg. form login form profile form T1-reg. T2 - login ? ? user rec. ?

12 Phase-I Phase-II description impl.+test. conc. mod. req. anal. code.
tests top level I.F.D. schema. user’s man. sys. anal. task emul. task + doc forms. pseudo-code

13 Document + Task forms Task forms and task list
not required for this homework Document forms and document list D1: registration form D2: login form D3: profile form Dx: user record external internal

14 Document forms D1: registration form D3: profile form Dx: user record
login name password name D3: profile form name? List-of: photo-id (URL) ? friend-id (login name) ? Dx: user record login name password name

15 Phase-I Phase-II description impl.+test. conc. mod. req. anal. code.
tests top level I.F.D. schema. user’s man. sys. anal. task emul. task + doc forms. pseudo-code

16 E-R diagram for CMUBook
passw ... URL login ?-2 owns ?-1 ?-1 ... user photo How about friendships, photo tags, …? ?-1: Specify cardinalities ?-2: Think about weak/strong entities

17 Relational schema SQL DDL statements
user( login, passw, name, -add.) photo( URL, … ) ? …. SQL DDL statements create table user (login char(20), passw char (20) NOT NULL (?), … ); create table photo (URL char(200), … ); ...

18 Phase-I Phase-II description impl.+test. conc. mod. req. anal. code.
tests top level I.F.D. schema. user’s man. sys. anal. task emul. task + doc forms. pseudo-code

19 Task emulation/pseudo-code
Task1: Registration read login, password, name and if ( login does not exist in ‘user’){ insert into user values ( :login, :password, :name, : ); } else{ print “error: login exists, choose another” } should be valid SQL queries

20 Phase-I Phase-II description impl.+test. conc. mod. req. anal. code.
tests top level I.F.D. schema. user’s man. sys. anal. task emul. task + doc forms. pseudo-code

21 Phase II You will develop JSP pages that handle user interactions
Processing logic written in Java class Manipulating data in database, connect from JSP to database using JDBC

22 Outline of the next recitation
Schema outline A Typical Web Application Architecture CMUBook architecture Brief introduction to JSP JSP mini demo  register.jsp Session and cookie management  login.jsp Exceptions MVC (Model-View-Controller) pattern (optional) Better Software Design

23 Web Application Architecture Multi-tier architecture
Web Server Apache, Tomcat, Windows IIS Client Backend Server http e.g. RMI Java Virtual Machine Web app (JSP, ASP, PHP) Users Web app backend component JDBC ODBC Database Server

24 Homework 9: CMUBook architecture
Web Server Client Browser PostgreSQL Database Server Tomcat 5.5 http User hw9 database JDBC CMUBook JSP, Java

25 CMUBook architecture Registration example –register.jsp
1 Web Server Client Browser PostgreSQL Database Server Tomcat 5.5 4 2 JDBC exec. query java.sqlStatement.executeUpdate() html page with input FORM User hw9 database CMUBook JSP, Java 3 Submit FORM with login, name, password and register.jsp 5 JDBC insert succeeds 6 Html page with successful info



28 Better Software Design?
(Optional) Better Software Design? Design Pattern Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software, Gamma, Erich; Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson, and John Vlissides Thinking in Patterns ( Design Pattern for Web App: MVC pattern (Model – View – Controller) Basic idea: break software functionalities and interfaces Tool: struts

29 (Optional) MVC

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