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Paul McKeown Northumbria University. How pro bono programmes should be marketed Increasing capacity for pro bono work Instilling a pro bono ethos in law.

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1 Paul McKeown Northumbria University

2 How pro bono programmes should be marketed Increasing capacity for pro bono work Instilling a pro bono ethos in law students

3 Distributed to 1010 students 44 responses 7 from Year 1 7 from Year 2 7 from Year 3 23 from Year 4 Response rate of 4.37%

4 Pro bono work will improve my legal skills Pro bono work will improve my academic performance Pro bono work will assist me in obtaining employment Pro bono work has increased my awareness of social and economic issues Pro bono work has changed my perception of social and economic issues I am likely to continue to undertake pro bono work after I graduate


6 The legal profession has a duty to undertake pro bono work There should be a minimum number of pro bono hours for lawyers Pro bono work should be compulsory for all lawyers Lawyers should voluntarily undertake pro bono work Law schools should make pro bono work a compulsory part of their programmes Law schools should offer voluntary pro bono opportunities to their students Law students should undertake pro bono work at law school


8 Pro bono in law schools promotes access to justice Pro bono in law schools improves students legal skills Pro bono in law schools improves students employment prospects Pro bono in law schools improves students awareness of social issues Pro bono in law schools encourages students to engage in pro bono following graduation


10 Emphasis on how pro bono work will benefit student Attract more students to undertake pro bono work Increased capacity

11 For the law school pro bono movement to have an impact, the pro bono experiences of law students must be better integrated into the general law school curriculum. (Granfield, 2007)

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