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Sports-Related Concussions

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1 Sports-Related Concussions

2 Video of the day Amazing Race: Watermelon

3 Concussion Definition: an injury to the brain, as a result of shaking or jarring, that results in temporary or prolonged loss of function Also known as mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI)

4 The Silent Epidemic In past, as compared to other neuro disorders, received little attention This is growing tremendously now Many go unreported because not visible Many signs/sx not visible CT scans don’t reveal signs and sx Often trivialized or missed because not well understood “Back in my day”

5 Concussion statistics/Facts
Estimated 300,000 sport-related concussions per year (reported) [Pitt dept of Neurological Surgery] How many go unreported? High school football players sustain approx ¼ of sport-related concussions [] Secondary to motor vehicle accidents, sport-related concussion second leading cause of TBI in individuals age 15-24 Do not need to be hit in head to sustain concussion!!

6 Concussion Signs and Sx
Amnesia Blurred vision Dizziness Drowsiness Excess sleep Easily distracted Feeling in “a fog” or slowed down Headache Inappropriate emotions Irritability Loss of consciousness Loss of orientation Memory problems Nausea Nervousness Personality changes Poor balance/coordination Poor concentration Ringing in ears Sadness Seeing stars Sensitivity to light/noise Sleep disturbance Vacant stare/glossy eyes Vomiting

7 Question of the day What are 5 signs and 5 symptoms of a concussion? What is the difference between anterograde and retrograde amnesia? Anterograde- inability to recall events after injury; Retrograde- inability to recall events before injury

8 Concussion Signs and Sx cont.
Only 10% of concussions present with LOC Amnesia not always present Retrograde= inability to recall information that occurred prior to event Anterograde= inability to recall information that occurred after the event

9 Concussion Care Monitor athlete (continuous, daily)
Remove from participation “When in doubt, sit them out!” Take helmet or other piece of equipment Refer as appropriate Post-Concussive Testing (i.e. ImPACT) Limit exertional tasks (mental and physical) We commonly do physical rest, but mental rest is very important

10 Video Preston Plevretes Video

11 Return to Play New CA rule= requires clearance by MD
Lystedt law (WA)- must be cleared by health care provider Max’s law (OR)- annual training of coaches in concussion recognition Progression of activity

12 Concussions-Immediate Referral
Any LOC Significant Amnesia Symptoms that progressively get worse Vomiting Cranial Nerve Abnormalities

13 Cranial Nerve Assessment
Olfactory- smell Optic- vision Oculomotor- pupil response; eye mvmnt Trochlear- eye mvmnt

14 Cranial Nerve Assessment
Trigeminal- clench teeth; temporal sensation Abducens- lateral eye mvmnt (abduct eye) Facial- facial expressions (smile); sensation Vestibulocochlear (auditory)- hearing and balance

15 Cranial Nerve Assessment
Glossopharyngeal- voice; swallow Vagus- gag reflex Spinal Accessory- upper trap strength Hypoglossal- tongue movement On Occasion Our Trusty Truck Acts Funny. Very Good Vehicle Any How!!

16 Young Athletes and Concussions
Significantly longer healing process than older individuals Brain is still developing Lack of awareness Decreased presence of health care professionals Remember, only 40% of high schools in CA have AT

17 Concussions and Gender
Literature is looking at differences in gender Incidence of concussions in females increasing Why? More females playing sports Type of sports being played Less developed neck musculature

18 Post-Concussive Symptoms
New symptoms can show up hours after injury (may not be present at time of injury) Symptoms indicate that brain has not healed; should not be taken lightly Rest (mental and physical) is only tx; no way to speed this up

19 Second Impact Syndrome
Occurs more in younger athletes (<20 y.o.) Not completely understood, but second insult to (unhealed) brain causes rapid intracranial bleeding Medical emergency that leads to death in approx 50%; significant neural issues in survivors What is the best way to tx second impact syndrome? PREVENT IT FROM HAPPENING IN FIRST PLACE!!

20 Cumulative effects of Concussions
Subsequent concussions take longer to heal May result in disqualification from sport Once you have a had a concussion, easier to get one; lower threshold (Steve Young, Mike Matheny) Long term effects (later in life) Depression Suicide Early onset Alzheimer’s Cognitive impairment

21 Concussion Grading Many different grading scales (i.e. grade 1, 2, 3)
Cantu, American Academy of Neurology, Colorado Medical Society Most based on LOC and duration of symptoms Grading scales mostly abandoned, base it more on presence of symptoms (mild, moderate, severe) Easier to classsify once concussion has cleared

22 Impact Testing Immediate Post-Concussion Assessment and Cognitive Testing (from Attention Span Working Memory Sustained and Selective Attention Time Response Variability Non-Verbal Problem Solving Reaction Time

23 Impact continued Individual Tests within Test Word Memory
Design Memory X’s and O’s Symbol Matching Color Match Three Letter Memory Class thoughts on each individual test?

24 Impact continued Results sent to and determined by neuropsychologist
Results based on baseline measure for individual athlete or on norms determined for age and gender This is just another tool to use Should be used in conjunction with other assessment strategies (current test results) What were your thoughts on this test (overall)?

25 SAC test Not much use without baseline
Does serve as a reminder of tests that can be performed Main goal of this is to perform something that is standardized and easily repeatable

26 SAC test continued Should take approx 15 minutes
Used to have to hold people out for at least 15 minutes to see if any symptoms showed up Again, just another tool to have in our arsenal Having done this test with your peers, what are your thoughts?

27 Concussion video ddk&feature=related (10:00)

28 Bean ball video (sports science)
(approx 7 min)

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