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The genome Coding regions

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1 The genome Coding regions
Contains packets of information known as genes. Each gene encodes information for a polypeptide or protein These make up only a small percentage of the entire genome sequence. In humans only 1.5% codes for proteins. Non-coding DNA Referred to as junk DNA, it actually plays essential roles in regulation of gene expression, many of which are still not understood.

2 Genomics Genomics is the study of genomes, mapping the whole genome of an increasing number of organisms. Comparison of genes and regulatory sequences of different organisms will help us understand the role of genetic information in areas including health, behaviour and evolutionary relationships between organisms.


4 Reverse Transcriptase


6 How can Bacteria defend themselves against viruses?


8 Derivation of the EcoRI name
Restriction Endonuclease Derivation of the EcoRI name Abbreviation Meaning Description E Escherichia genus co coli species R RY13 strain I First identified order of identification in the bacterium

9 Restriction enzyme digest


11 DNA VECTORS (Plasmids)
Basically vehicles for carrying DNA from one organism to another.





16 Making DNA inside a tetstube.
In vitro cloning. Making DNA inside a tetstube. Lets recap DNA

17 Denaturation Annealing Elongation



20 Sanger Method.


22 THYMINE terminator A T G C A G T C G C A T A G A A T C T C A C T A C G T A T A C G T T A C G T C A G C G T A T C T T T A C G T C A G C G T A T C T T A G A G T G A T T A C G T C A G C G T T A C G T C A G C G T A T C T T T A C G T C A G C G T A T C T T A G A G T T A C G T C A G C G T A T T A C G T C A G C G T A T C T T A G A G T G A T G C A T

23 The answer! T A C G T C A G C G T A T C T T A G A G T G A T G C A T





DNA probe. A short section of ssDNA that can be identified by a label. Radioactivey labelled with an isoptope of Phosphorus P32 Fluorescently Labelled- emit light under certain conditions

29 DNA hybridisation A DNA probe will identify any DNA sequence that it is complementary to. A DNA probe of around 20 bp will be very specific and only identify one place in an entire genome. For the probe to work the “target” DNA needs also to be single stranded. This is generally achieved once the DNA has been separated by electrophoresis. The gel can be soaked in alkali conditions to denature it.





34 Genetic Counselling!!!!

35 Recombinant DNA technology

36 Gene Therapy Specification:
The use of gene therapy to supplement defective genes. Candidates should be able to evaluate the effectiveness of gene therapy.

37 Two examples CFTR SCID







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