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1 Temperature

2 701 Seating Plan


4 From last class… Liquid Thermometer (Clinical Thermometer),
Thermostat (bimetallic Strip, Feedback), Thermocouple, Recording Thermometer, Infrared Thermogram

5 Did you…? Complete the “Best Device for the Job” Sheet? Put name on it? Pass in bin? Finish the Heat and Temperature Review Sheet? Put name on it? Pass in Bin? Try the Google Classroom Question and Quiz?

6 Heat Introductory Worksheet- Answers
Part 1: Completing Sentences Energy can make things move Two kinds of energy are heat and electricity Heat is caused by vibrating molecules All matter has heat because molecules are always vibrating. Warm matter has more heat than cold matter. Cool matter has less heat than warm matter. The faster molecules vibrate, the more heat they give off. The slower molecules vibrate, the less heat they give off. Most heat comes from the sun. Rubbing produces heat. Another name for rubbing is friction. Part 2: True and false T 2) F 3) F 4) F 5)T 6) T 7)T 8) T 9) F Part 3: Matching: D A E C B Part 4: Word Scramble 1) Energy 4) Heat 2) Fuel 5)Rubbing 3) Friction

7 Temperature Each device we’ve looked at has a sensor (something that is affected by changes in the temperature) Thermometers measure the average kinetic energy that particles have

8 Temperature and Thermometers
1593: Galileo Galilei invented a rudimentary water thermoscope (a thermometer with no scale) for the first time, allowed temperature variations to be measured; had no fixed points (boiling point and freezing point) 1612: Santorio- invented a basic thermometer; first inventor to put a numerical scale on the instrument; it had 2 fixed points (the melting point of snow and the temperature of a candle flame); open ended thermometer

9 Temperature and Thermometers
1654- Grand Duke Ferdinand; designed thermometer with colored alcohol and it was closed at both ends 1714- Daniel Gabriel Farenheit; made thermometer with mercury and bulb at bottom of thermometer; invented the Fahrenheit scale- water boils at 212°F and freezes at 32°F (Imperial Scale-180°)

10 Temperature and Thermometers
1742- Anders Celsius; created a different scale; water freezes at 0°C and boils at 100°C (Metric scale used for temperature) 1848- Lord Kelvin; created The Kelvin Scale measures the ultimate extremes of hot and cold. Kelvin developed the idea of absolute temperature (Absolute zero= 0K or °C) The markings on the scale are not called degrees, but are simply called kelvins

11 Converting Temperatures
To convert between Celsius and Farenheit: F = 9 C To convert between Kelvin and Celsius K = C + 273 Water freezes at 32°F, what is this in Celsius? In Kelvin? Water boils at 100°C. What is this in Fahrenheit?

12 0⁰C 32⁰F 273 K

13 100⁰C 212⁰F 373 K 0⁰C 32⁰F 273 K

14 100⁰C 212⁰F 373 K 0⁰C 32⁰F 273 K -273⁰C -492⁰F 0 K

15 Conversion Formulas Fahrenheit to Celsius: Celsius to Fahrenheit:
C= (F-32) 1.8 Celsius to Fahrenheit: F= (Cx1.8)+32 Celsius to Kelvin: K=C+273 Kelvin to Celsius: C=K-273

16 Conversion Practice Body temperature is 98.6°F, what is this in Celsius? In Kelvin? Methanol boils at 75°C, what is this in Fahrenheit?, in Kelvin? Lead melts at 600 K, what is this in Celsius? In Fahrenheit?

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