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Bell Ringer What science class are you taking?

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Presentation on theme: "Bell Ringer What science class are you taking?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Bell Ringer What science class are you taking?
Do you like science? Why or why not?

2 2.1 The Scientific Revolution

3 Geocentric Theory The sun, moon, and planets revolve around the earth
Developed by Aristotle

4 Scientific Revolution
Challenged ancient thinkers and the church Observations and willingness to question accepted beliefs Spread by the printing press

5 European Explorers Fueled the Scientific Revolution
Navigation instruments and geographic measurements to determine location Findings didn’t match up with old beliefs

6 Heliocentric Theory Sun=center of universe
Developed by Nicolaus Copernicus Feared rejection Didn’t publish until the year he died

7 Johannes Kepler Took Copernicus one step further
Planets move in elliptical orbits instead of circular

8 Galileo Galilei Modifies telescope for astronomy Discoveries:
Jupiter has 4 moons Sun has dark spots Moon is rough and uneven Contradicted Aristotle and confirmed Copernicus

9 An Angry Pope Pope Urban VIII warned Galileo not to defend the ideas of Copernicus Tried at the Vatican Forced to recant Put on house arrest Church admitted he was right in 1992

10 Scientific Method Logical procedure for gathering and testing ideas
Question Hypothesis Experiment Analyze and Interpret Conclusion

11 Law of Universal Gravitation
Sir Isaac Newton Every object in the universe attracts every other object Dependent on mass and distance

12 Scientific Instruments
First Microscope- Zacharias Janssen First mercury barometer-Evangelista Torricelli First mercury thermometer-Gabriel Fahrenheit

13 New Medicine First ever vaccine is developed by Edward Jenner
Used cowpox to develop smallpox vaccine

14 Chemistry, Ugh! Robert Boyle used the scientific method in chemistry
Challenged Aristotle’s idea of the four elements Boyle’s Law: how temp, volume, and pressure of a gas affect each other

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