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Type create. kahoot. it/login in the search bar

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Presentation on theme: "Type create. kahoot. it/login in the search bar"— Presentation transcript:

1 Type create. kahoot. it/login in the search bar
Type in the search bar. This will take you to the login screen.

2 Type in my username frobischon and I made a temporary password which is bslater. Then click login.

3 This is my homepage. To get to my saved kahoots just click on the button.

4 Duplicate of Winter Analogies is the holiday one mentioned in the . I prefer you do this one second if time allows. To start it click on the play button.

5 Then select Player vs Player 1:1 Devices.

6 It takes a second but you will hear music start and then the Pin number appears. Have one of the student write the pin number on the board. This will help if their chromebook freezes up.

7 Students will log in through their chromebooks
Students will log in through their chromebooks. After they enter the pin number they can enter their name. The names will begin to appear on the screen.

8 Remember, only their first name. any nicknames and they get deleted
Remember, only their first name. any nicknames and they get deleted. It should only take a couple of minutes for all of them to login.

9 A bit of trouble shooting advice. Sometimes the chromebooks freeze up
A bit of trouble shooting advice. Sometimes the chromebooks freeze up. When this happens they just need to hit the back button and reenter the pin number.

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