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Transforming Care finance workshop

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Presentation on theme: "Transforming Care finance workshop"— Presentation transcript:

1 Transforming Care finance workshop
Helen Toker-Lester 6th December London Workshop

2 LGA and ADASS Housing Quality Market shaping
Empowerment and involvement Providing the LA perspective Supporting change Use of our regional structures Influence and expertise in the wider arena

3 What are we trying to achieve?
The Centre for Welfare Reform identified Seven keys to citizenship that combine to show what a full life looks like.

4 From “Serviceland” to the real world

5 Transforming our market
Knowing how to have the right services in the right place at the right time Being clear about disinvestment and undesirable activity Choice for people who have personal budgets Strong and confident leadership across the TCP

6 Commissioning Cycle Use and review of existing plans
Opportunities for collaboration Evidence based approaches Knowing your population now and in the future. Understanding current provision. Capacity analysis Analysis Planning Implementation Review Establishing a feedback loop Involvement of key stakeholders Reflection Learning Useful information Overcoming barriers Emergent activity Leadership Creativity and innovation

7 Tools to help Redesigning specifications Incentivising “Progression”
Better data to create good information Mature and trusting relationships with providers Use of contingency funding (Draft NICE guidance) Use of natural supports and communities Support from wider council function and the “system”

8 Promoting “Home” as part of Citizenship

9 ? Importance of quality Readmission rates Safeguarding
Sustainability of the programme Allows for longer term savings through person centred progression ?

10 Quality work- Key principles
Involvement of people who have a learning disability and/or autism and their families in the work.( workshops, empowerment group Ask ,listen, do project) Personalised delivery, in line with BRS Commissioning that also supports choice for people who have their own budgets Utilising “Making safeguarding personal” Integrating the “Quality Matters” priorities

11 The person Working around the person and their plan
Strategic and Operational Commissioners Support Provider The person MDT and technical input Working around the person and their plan

12 The support offer Regional advisor posts (LGA)
Housing support posts (NHSE) Formation of Virtual teams to support TCPs Finance advice Provision of information ( data, toolkit) IPC Oxford Brookes Market shaping action learning sets Sector led offer ( peer review) Communication links

13 Support activity Clear prioritised quality workplan developed through stakeholder feedback ( Dec 2017) Information to support commissioning, guide / toolkit, PQQ and core specification for community services- based on commissioning for outcomes and the progression model

14 Support activity Exploring Sector led improvement ( Peer review, tailored around Transforming Care) Market shaping action learning sets (Oxford Brookes) Identifying opportunities for large scale strategic support such as ADASS regional commissioning approaches.

15 Any Questions ?

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