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THIS IS Jeopardy. THIS IS Jeopardy With Your Host... Mr. Van.

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Presentation on theme: "THIS IS Jeopardy. THIS IS Jeopardy With Your Host... Mr. Van."— Presentation transcript:


2 THIS IS Jeopardy

3 With Your Host... Mr. Van

4 Jeopardy Second Industrial Revolution Transform Of American Society War in The West Western Crossroads Rise of BB/ Gilded Age Politics in The Gilded Age 100 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500 500

5 Government agency responsible for managing American Indian issues

6 What is the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA)

7 Important leader of Sioux resistance, I helped lead my people to victory at the Battle of Little Bighorn A 200

8 Who is Sitting Bull A 200

9 The treaty that was violated leading to the Battle of Little Bighorn

10 What is the Second Treaty of Fort Laramie

11 U.S. Army Colonel who attacked Black Kettle’s people while drunk

12 Who is John M. Chivington
A 400

13 Apache leader who escaped the reservation twice raiding settlements both times

14 Who is Geronimo A 500

15 These three land acts increased non-Indian settlement on the Plains
B 100

16 What is the Homestead, Morrill, and Pacific Railway Acts
B 100

17 Buildings made from chunks of heavy topsoil

18 What are sod houses B 200

19 These new inventions helped to revolutionize farming
B 300

20 What is the combine and sharpened steel plow

21 Ogallala, Nebraska was considered one of these back in the late 1870’s

22 What is a railhead B 400

23 In addition to gold this was one of the world’s richest silver veins
B 500

24 What is the Comstock Lode
B 500

25 A guarantee to protect an inventor’s rights to make, use, or sell the invention

26 What is a patent C 100

27 I created the telephone

28 Who is Alexander Graham Bell
C 200

29 The working class wanted these three things

30 What is an 8 hour work day, higher wages, and better working conditions


32 Method of steelmaking that burned off the impurities in molten iron with a blast of hot air
C 400

33 What is the Bessemer process

34 People who oppose all forms of government
C 500

35 What is an anarchist C 500

36 Most immigrants traveled to America in here

37 What is the steerage D 100

38 This denied citizenship to people born in China and prohibited the immigration of Chinese laborers

39 What is the Chinese Exclusion Act
D 200

40 These were formed to help immigrants with loans, food, and a place to live

41 What are benevolent societies
D 300

42 Very poorly constructed apartment buildings that housed millions of New Yorkers in 1900

43 What are tenements D 400

44 Style of sensational reporting used by newspapers to attract readers

45 What is Yellow Journalism
D 500

46 Theory that calls for no government intervention in the economy

47 What is laissez-faire capitalism

48 When a trust gains exclusive control of an industry

49 What is a monopoly E 200

50 Process of acquiring companies that provided the materials and services upon which your enterprise depended E 300

51 What is vertical integration

52 Business leaders used these to try and lobby for government contracts to provide public services

53 What are kickbacks E 400

54 Group that strongly opposed civil service reform

55 Who are the Stalwarts E 500

56 During the late 1800’s these well organized political parties dominated city governments
F 100

57 What are political machines
F 100

58 Political Machines appealed especially to these people
F 200

59 Who were immigrants F 200

60 Organizations in which groups of farmers pool their resources to buy and sell goods

61 What are cooperatives F 300

62 Originated out of the Midwest and included Alliance members, farmers, labor leaders, and reformers

63 What is the populist party
F 400

64 Silver supporter and two-term representative from Nebraska, delivered the famous “Cross of Gold” speech during election of 1896 F 500

65 Who is William Jennings Bryan
F 500

66 The Final Jeopardy Category is: Politics of the Gilded Age
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67 Click on screen to continue
Final Jeopardy I was a well-liked political boss in Kansas City, MO who gained political support by providing jobs and special services to his constituents Click on screen to continue

68 Who is James Pendergast
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69 Thank You for Playing Jeopardy!
Game Designed By C. Harr-MAIT

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