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International regulation and social justice

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1 International regulation and social justice
Dr Christine O'Leary Sheffield Business School

2 Inequalities and discrimination
Gender inequality/ sex discrimination Social inequalities Race discrimination Age discrimination Sexual orientation discrimination

3 Who can address those issues?
Governments through legislation. Companies through policies which comply or go above government legislation. HR departments within organisations/ companies e.g. diversity management training. Company boards and executives through monitoring workforce diversity. Individual managers.

4 Looking at the following article.......

5 What do we learn from the study?
Inequalities and discrimination take different forms in different countries. Overall companies are reluctant to appoint women or staff with ethnic backgrounds in senior positions. Companies recognise the value of workforce diversity. Training of top managers does not increase diversity. Companies with a diverse workforce tend to pay low salaries and have a high turnover of staff.

6 But... Diversity can be a competitive advantage as well as morally/ ethically & legally right. Diversity management is based on strategic thinking and people-centred policies. Using HR tool kits for 'recruitment, appraisal advancement and reward' (Shen et al, 2009: 237), can help improve equal employment opportunities, inclusivity and creativity in the work force (Ibid).

7 What aspects does Shen et al 2009 Framework consider in relation to diversity management?
Recruitment and selection Training and development Performance appraisal Pay

8 Gender inequality- World Economic Forum Report 2013

9 Activity Look at Table 3 a of the report and comment on the figures. What do you learn? Are you surprised about anything?

10 Government interventions- The case of France
Law for real equality of 2014 Annual monitoring for large companies about salary gap 40% women on Boards in large companies by 2020

11 Discussion and comparison with other countries.
Choose a country. What does the equality legislation say about that country? What do figures reveal?

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