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Welcome to the BE the CAUSE Orientation Webinar

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to the BE the CAUSE Orientation Webinar"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to the BE the CAUSE Orientation Webinar
Phone tips: Do not put your phone on hold during the call. If you need to leave, simply hang up and then call back in when you are able. Computer tips: Mute the speakers on your computer when using the conference call line to participate in the presentation. Call-In: (703) Participant Pin: Please stand by we will begin shortly. Lori: Hello my name is Lori Gusdorf and I am the Executive Vice President here at the AFP Foundation for Philanthropy. Thank you for joining our call today on the BE the CAUSE Campaign. We ask for a few housekeeping rules at the beginning of the call. To block out background noise, please put your phone on mute if you are not speaking. If you do not have a mute button, then hit *6 to put your phone on mute and *6 to unmute it. Also, if you have to leave the call, and this is very important, please do not put us on hold. If you do, your hold music will come through and disrupt the call. If you have to leave, simply hang up and then call back in when you are able to. If we all follow these simple rules, it will provide a much clearer connection and call for our discussion today. February 26, 2019

2 Cooperative Annual Fund Program Chapter Campaign Orientation
Presented by: Tim Logan, ACFRE, BE the CAUSE Chair Lori Gusdorf, CAE, Executive Vice President Ayat Hassan, Foundation Development Specialist February 26, 2019 Lori: Introductions for Tim Logan, Lori Gusdorf, and Ayat Hassan February 26, 2019 February 24, 2016

3 Orientation Objectives
AFP Foundation for Philanthropy 2018 Campaign Highlights 2019 Campaign Overview & Resources Foundation Development Chair Responsibilities Q&A Tim: Thank the Chapter Foundation Development Chairs for their service this year. This is the outline for our discussion today. February 26, 2019

4 AFP Foundation for Philanthropy
Tim: AFP Foundation for Philanthropy’s mission statement as we begin 2019. The AFP Foundation enhances philanthropy and volunteerism through programs of education, research and service that benefit all those who lead, serve and support nonprofit institutions. February 26, 2019 February 24, 2016 4

5 AFP Foundation Goals for 2019
Strategic Initiatives (External Funding Priorities): A) Diversity & Inclusion Scholarships : $35,000 B) Leadership Academy : $43,000 C) Chamberlain Challenge : $75,000 D) Women’s Impact Summit: $50,000 BE the CAUSE Goal: $450,000 Tim: The Foundation has several goals in They include both unrestricted (BE the CAUSE Goal: $450,000) and restricted gifts. Diversity Scholarships - $35,000 – to the AFP International Fundraising Conference Leadership Academy - $43,000 – to support the educational content and make the registration fee reasonable for chapter leaders Chamberlain Challenge - $75,000 – The Chamberlain Scholarship program has been around since 2000, where every AFP chapter can send a Chamberlain Scholar to the AFP International Conference. This program was funded through a bequest that Ralph Chamberlain left the Foundation back in the late 1990’s, those funds are now depleted, so the Foundation is undergoing fundraising to insure this important program continues for 2019. And new this year is raising $50,000 for the first Women’s Impact Initiative Summit. As I share each of these programmatic areas for the Foundation, I want to connect the dots and share that all of this is about leadership development. February 26, 2019

6 Foundation Leadership
Board of Governors Karen Rotko-Wynn, CFRE, Foundation Chair Martha Schumacher, ACFRE, AFP Chair Harry Lynch, CFRE, Foundation Chair-Elect Kevin Foyle, CFRE, AFP Chair-Elect Melissa Ryan Penland, Foundation Secretary/Treasurer Michael Delzotti, CFRE, AFP Treasurer Brian J. Bonde, ACFRE, Immediate Past Foundation Chair Ann Hale, CFRE, Immediate Past AFP Chair Mike Geiger, MBA, CPA, AFP President & CEO Tim: AFP Foundation for Philanthropy’s Board of Governors for 2019. February 26, 2019

7 Foundation Leadership
Fundraising Board Class 2019 Gary Good, CFRE Ω Robbe A. Healey, ACFRE Ω Donna Christine Marino, CFRE Terry Monteleone, CFRE, CSPG Amy B. Parrott, CFRE James Phelps, ACFRE Ω Cynthia L. Schmidt, CFRE Ω Robert Wahlers, CFRE Ω Class 2020 Helen Arnold, CFRE Ω Brian Bonde, ACFRE Ω Timothy R. Burcham, CFRE Ω Penelope Cagney, CFRE Paul Dunne, CFRE Ω Gretchen Gordon, CFRE Harry Lynch, CFRE Ω Class 2021 Barbara Bushnell, CFRE Catherine Connolly, MBA, CFRE Ω Patricia G. Egan, CFRE Ann Hale, CFRE Ω Lindsay Hartmann, MS, CFRE Ω Timothy D. Logan, ACFRE, FAHP Missy Ryan Penland, CFRE Tim: AFP Foundation for Philanthropy: Fundraising Board for 2019. If you are coming to the AFP International Conference on Fundraising in San Antonio, please plan to stop by the AFP Hub in the exhibit hall as that is where many of the Foundation Fundraising Board and staff will be. We would love to meet you. February 26, 2019

8 AFP Foundation Staff Lori Gusdorf, CAE, Executive Vice President
(800) , ext. 449 or (703) Ayat Hassan, Foundation Development Specialist (800) , ext. 448 or (703) Associate Director of Development To be filled Tim: And we have three staff in the foundation that you will work with throughout the year. Lori Ayat And the Foundation is looking to hire an associate director of development February 26, 2019

9 2018 BE the CAUSE Campaign Highlights
Lori: 2018 BTC Highlights Thank you all for a successful year! February 26, 2019 February 24, 2016 9

10 Your 2018 Gifts Helped Support
$100,828 in support back to 137 local chapters for: Education (36%) Scholarships (36%) National Philanthropy Day® (10%) Diversity and Inclusion (9%) Mentoring (2%) Youth in Philanthropy (3%) Other (6%) $118,218 in awards for scholarships 139 Chamberlain Scholars (first-time conference attendees to the AFP International Fundraising Conference) 23 Diverse Communities Scholars to the AFP International Fundraising Conference 11 Leadership Scholars funded by Marjorie K. & Stephen M. Levy 15 Scholarships for AFP Leadership Academy Lori: Raised $379,751 in the BTC campaign in 2018 $684,924 overall for the Foundation plus in kind support of almost $280,000 bringing the total to $971,117 last year. You can see here some of the funding that the Foundation provided last year. A majority of funds went back to chapters to provide services in local communities and the other majority was for scholarships. February 26, 2019

11 Your 2018 Gifts Helped Support
BECAUSE OF OUR PARTNERS AND ENDOWMENTS… In partnership with the Chronicle of Philanthropy, “Sexual Harassment Survey” released April 5, 2018 Research Prize funded by Skystone Partners for “The New Fundraisers: Who Organises Charitable Giving in Contemporary Society” by Beth Breeze Growth in Giving Research as part of the Fundraising Effectiveness Project. 2018 Leadership Academy funding through the Stephen & Marjorie Levy Fund, many AFP Chapters and donors. Ron and Pam Carroll International Scholarship provided to an international chapter leader to attend the AFP International Conference on Fundraising. Don Campbell Endowment provided five scholarships to attend the AFP International Conference on Fundraising Lori: In addition to those areas, the foundation supported: Sexual Harassment Survey Research Leadership Academy Scholarships February 26, 2019

12 2019 Distribution Timeframe
2018 Annual Fund Distribution 2019 Q3 July Aug Sept Lori: Ayat is in the process of sending each chapter a form letting you know the amount of funds eligible to be granted back to the chapter from the 2018 BE the CAUSE Campaign, 15%, 25%, or 35% - depending upon the total received by December 31, We will ask the chapter to fill out a simple form indicating what you will use the funds for. They must be in alignment with the Foundation’s goals of education, scholarships, mentoring or diversity and inclusion. It is also a requirement that the Foundation be given recognition when the chapter uses these funds for the program you. This partnership between the Foundation and the chapter is very important to the Foundation’s success. Your help in showing the impact of the Foundation in your local community is key to our success. We also have a goal to allocate your chapters grant much earlier in the year. If the chapter sends in the grant form by June 30th, we will grant the funds out in the third quarter. (This is about 2018 results, the grant timeline is in 2019) February 26, 2019

13 2019 Campaign Overview Lori: And now about 2019 February 26, 2019

14 Case for Support Growing Fundraising Leadership For a Better World
Attract and Develop Fundraising Leaders Support Research on Critical Issues in Fundraising Build a Stronger Sector Through a More Diverse Workforce Renew Public Trust in Charitable Organizations Lori The Foundation developed a new Case for Support in Through the process four priority areas were identified for the Foundation. Leadership Development Research IDEA Ethics February 26, 2019

15 Where will your gifts go in 2019?
Support key programs and initiatives: Scholarships - Chamberlain Diversity Collegiate Leadership Academy Women’s Impact Initiative Summit Growth in Giving Initiative Local chapter initiatives Lori: I know that it is very important that you have a case for support as you ask your chapter members to consider giving to the AFP Foundation. Tim already mentioned these items, but I think it is worth repeating. Scholarships to the AFP International Conference (Chamberlain and Diversity) Leadership Academy Research – which includes the Growth in Giving Initiative Women’s Impact Initiative Summit Local chapter initiatives February 26, 2019

16 Strengthening the Case
Feature stories of individuals benefiting from programs and services Focus on transparency Demonstrate good stewardship by both the Foundation and Chapter donors’ investments Highlight impact of strategic programs funded by the AFP Foundation for Philanthropy Lori: Building a case of support for BTC in your local community: Sharing updates or success stories for the BTC campaign with your members is important. We all know that story-telling can provide motivation and passion for the work that we do. Connecting with each other for ideas within the AFP community. Showing appreciation and acknowledgement for donations made to the BTC campaign. Highlight the impact of AFP Foundation donations and the AFP chapters February 26, 2019

17 Donor Recognition Levels
Donation Amount Recognition Level $25,000+ Chairman $10,000 - $24,999 Investor $5,000 - $9,999 Founder $2,500 - $4,999 Steward $ $2,499 President $500 - $999 Ambassador – Emerald $250 - $499 Ambassador – Ruby $100 - $249 Ambassador – Sapphire $50 - $99 Friend Note: Donors giving $50+ receive a donor pin reflecting their recognition level. Lori: February 26, 2019

18 Donor Acknowledgement Policy
Donors who give <$100 online receive an automatic acknowledgement Donors who give <$100 via check or credit card over the phone receive an acknowledgement Donors who give $100+ receive an acknowledgement letter and donor pin (upon request) Lori: Throughout the year, this is when and how donors will receive acknowledgements. February 26, 2019

19 Stewardship Present donors ($50+) with donor pins at chapter events
Order pins through AFP Foundation Invite donors to complete an “I give because…” placard, take their photo, and add them to your website or PowerPoint presentation Download placards from Toolkit Verbally acknowledge donors and ask them to stand at chapter events Recognize donors on your chapter website Lori The Foundation provides pins at no charge to the chapter (unless there is a rush charge) then we ask the chapter to pay the shipping. Other ideas that chapters have shared work well are Asking donors to share why they give. Acknowledge donors at your chapter events Recognize donors on your website February 26, 2019

20 March 31 – April 2, 2019 : Dates of the Good Takeover Challenge Match
A special thank you to… For partnering with the AFP Foundation for the “Good Takeover Challenge” at the AFP International Conference on Fundraising in San Antonio, TX: March 31 – April 2, 2019 : Dates of the Good Takeover Challenge Match   Lori: A special thank you to Blackbaud for partnering with the AFP Foundation Providing a match again this year for the first 700 donors over the three days of the Conference. We will send an out to all members on March 31st, the first day of the conference. This technique worked quite well last year. February 26, 2019

21 A special thank you to Lori:
Catapult Fundraising is calling 4,000 lapsed donors from , this started last October and is still continuing today. All gifts made in 2018, were credited to the 2018 BTC Campaign, and those gifts made in 2019, are being credited to the 2019 BTC Campaign. The Foundation is hopeful to continue this calling program again in 2019. February 26, 2019

22 A special thank you to Lori:
And to a new partner this year. Give by Cell who will be providing a mobile giving platform to the Foundation February 26, 2019

23 What does the AFP Foundation do for your chapter?
Handle gift processing and acknowledgement Send pledge reminders Send renewal letters Toolkit materials located on the website Share 15% - 35% of revenue with local chapters Provide donor pins Assist Foundation Development Chairs Lori: I thought it might be helpful to share with you some specific services that are provided to your chapter by the AFP Foundation for Philanthropy. February 26, 2019

24 Responsibilities of Foundation Development Chair
Ayat: Thank you for volunteering to be Foundation Development Chairs for your chapters. It is an important job and we are so happy to have you on board for 2019! February 26, 2019 February 24, 2016 24

25 FDC Job Description Role: Foundation Development Chair for: 2019 BE the CAUSE Campaign Responsibilities: Coordinate the BE the CAUSE Campaign in your chapter Share stories about people and/or organizations served by key chapter programs with AFP Foundation for Philanthropy Make a personally meaningful gift to the annual campaign (consider monthly giving: Alpha Society) Ayat: FDC Role: Coordinate the BE the CAUSE campaign for your local chapter. Share stories. Make a personally meaningful gift to the BE the CAUSE campaign, one way that you can do that is through the Foundation’s monthly giving program called the Alpha Society. This program does have a minimum of $10 a month. February 26, 2019

26 BE the CAUSE Campaign Tasks
Participate in establishing the chapter’s BE the CAUSE campaign goal for 2019 Communicate the value of the campaign: Educate chapter leaders and members about key Foundation initiatives Implement the annual campaign Provide appropriate acknowledgment and recognition of donors at the chapter level Ayat: High/Low goals for your chapter – I am sending a form out to each chapter with the recommended low and high goals for The low goal was established by one of two ways. It is either the average of the past three year’s of giving history for your chapter, or the total received from the chapter in 2018, whichever is higher. Has a $250 minimum. The high goal is 15% more than your low goal. If your chapter has any questions or concerns about these proposed numbers, you can reach out to me. Please submit the final signed goal forms by Friday, March 22nd. It is very important that we have these forms by the March 22nd deadline so we can begin our work in raising funds this year. Acknowledgment and recognition for donors in your chapter – form for pin orders on website February 26, 2019

27 Campaign Implementation
Utilize campaign materials to ask for donations throughout the year: Encourage chapter leaders to achieve 100% board participation Report to chapter leaders and members regularly on progress toward campaign goals Check chapter tally report for accuracy and campaign progress Follow-up with donors who have outstanding pledges – to be paid or postmarked by December 31, 2019 Ayat: Everything you will need for a successful 2019 BTC campaign can be found at Encourage chapter board members to support the campaign and achieve 100% board participation. Check-in with chapter leaders and members. Check the Chapter Tally report and resolve any discrepancies with AFP Foundation for Philanthropy staff. Toward the end of year, we appreciate your reaching out to anyone who hasn’t paid their pledge, we will also reach out to these donors. Must be paid or postmarked by December 31, 2019 to count toward your 2019 goal. February 26, 2019

28 Instructions to Access Chapter Tally Reports
IMPORTANT: Be sure to allow pop-ups or disable popup blockers. Each browser has a different method for disabling popups. Go to From the home page at the top of the screen, Sign In Use your specific chapter code for user name and password. Example: (AL9BTC in both the User Name and Password) Contact the AFP Foundation for Philanthropy at (703) or if you do not know your chapter code. NOTE: Do not log in with your member login, the report will not work! The “My Account” page will appear. Scroll down to “Chapter Reports” Click on “BE the CAUSE Chapter Tally Report (Foundation Development Chair sign-in required) Click “here” for a report reflecting actual pledges and gifts for the chapter to date Enter the year you would like information for. Ayat: On this page you will see the login information for the 2019 Chapter Tally Reports. If you don’t remember how to do this, these instructions are located on the Tool Kit website as well. If you don’t know your Chapter code, please me and I will send it to you. Please be patient, the report can take up to a minute to generate. February 26, 2019

29 Instructions to Access the Online BE the CAUSE Toolkit
Login to with your AFP membership username and password Click on the BE the CAUSE Campaign tab Click on “Visit the BE the CAUSE Toolkit page” Ayat: The Foundation wants to help you succeed in your role as Foundation Development Chair and will routinely update information available to you on the AFP website. February 22, 2018

30 Toolkit Components Campaign Materials - Logos Flyers Marketing materials Sample Chapter Materials Send your chapter’s campaign materials to Chapter Resources - Tiered Cooperative Annual Fund Distribution Model - Instructions for accessing chapter tally report - Forms Ayat: Everything that you will need for a successful 2019 BTC campaign year is available at There are also examples of marketing materials from other chapters available. Additional chapter resources are available. Renewal letter to LYBUNTS – direct mail piece to be sent out by the end of March 2019. February 26, 2019

31 Important Dates & Deadlines
March 22 Deadline Final deadline for 2019 BE the CAUSE campaign goals for U.S. chapters - a collaborative effort between the U.S. Foundation and each chapter. March 31 – April 2 BLACKBAUD Good Takeover Challenge Match dates during ICON 2019 May 24 Deadline Submit 2019 BE the CAUSE 100 Percent Chapter Board Participation Form (U.S. and Canadian Chapters) – recognition purposes in eWire. Jun. 30 Deadline Chapter Partnership Grant Application due (Funds distributed from BE the CAUSE Campaign). Sept. 12 Meeting BE the CAUSE/Foundation Development Chair’s BE the CAUSE Conference Call (3:00 PM EST) Sept 13 Deadline Submit BE the CAUSE 100 Percent Chapter Board Participation and Chapter IMPACT Forms (U.S. and Canadian Chapters) – recognition purposes at Leadership Academy. Dec. 31 Deadline Deadline for all gifts, pledge payments, and forms postmarked and/or received to count towards the 2019 BE the CAUSE Campaign. Ayat: Timeline for 2019, important dates and deadlines. February 26, 2019

32 Questions Lori: Questions? February 26, 2019

33 THANK YOU! THANK YOU for volunteering to serve your chapter and work with the AFP Foundation! THANK YOU for taking the time to participate in today’s webinar! THANK YOU for your annual gift to BE the CAUSE! Tim: Thank you for your time and we look forward to working with you as an FDC for the BE the CAUSE campaign in 2019! All: Thank you! February 26, 2019

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