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Sarkhell Araz MSc. Public health/Epidemiology 3 March 2018

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1 Sarkhell Araz MSc. Public health/Epidemiology 3 March 2018
Conflict Resolution Sarkhell Araz MSc. Public health/Epidemiology 3 March 2018

2 Conflict : “Whenever you're in conflict with someone, there is one factor that can make the difference between damaging your relationship and deepening it. That factor is attitude.” William James 2

3 Objectives: At the close of this session, you will be able to:
Cite the causes of workplace conflict. State why it is important to resolve conflict in the workplace. Describe the methods of resolving conflict. List the Do’s and Don’ts of workplace conflict. Describe the steps in the conflict resolution process. 3

4 Causes of Conflict Conflict is any situation in which your concerns or desires differ from those of another person. Some examples of workplace conflict are: An employee works part-time in the evening for a company that makes a product that competes with the products of his full-time employer. Disagreement between employees. 4 4

5 Causes of Conflict (cont’d)
Conflict arises because employees: Have different points of view. Communicate to one another differently. Spend large amounts of time together. Depend on one another to “get the job done”. 5

6 Causes of Conflict (cont’d)
Conflict does not always have to be negative. When employees are able to challenge one another’s ideas in a supportive environment, new ideas are generated and fostered. It is important to remember that conflict will always exist between employees. Effective supervisors have the skills to manage the conflict process and turn disagreements into ideas. 6

7 Causes of Conflict (cont’d)
Examples of Healthy vs. Damaging Conflict Healthy Conflict Disagreements that are communicated in a supportive environment that foster the generation of new ideas or ways to problem solve. Tension that increases awareness or sheds light on a growing workplace problem. Damaging Conflict Name Calling. Personal Attacks. Silent and Withdrawn, afraid to speak up Cliques, gossip and rumors. Lack of Mutual Respect. 7

8 You cut someone off while you are driving
You are in a hurry and if you don’t catch these lights you’ll miss your doctor’s appointments 8

9 Methods of Resolving Conflict
There are 5 basic ways of handling conflict in the workplace: Competing Collaborating Compromising Avoiding Accommodating It is important to note that there is no one way to resolve a conflict and often managers will need to utilize multiple methods in order to reach a resolution. (From Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument) 9

10 Methods of Resolving Conflict
1.Competing ( Goal is to win) The Competing Method involves handling the conflict through unilateral decision making. This is most appropriately used by managers and leaders in the workplace. The Competing Method is used primarily for: Situations that involve quick action. Instances where there is no compromise or debate. Making hard or unpopular decisions. 10

11 2.Collaborating (Goal is to find a win-win solution)
The Collaborating Method involves handling the conflict through team input. This means of handling conflict is particularly useful if all parties in the conflict want to find a resolution, but are unable to agree on what the resolution should be. The Collaborating Method is used primarily for: Gaining support from the team. Using the different perspectives as an opportunity to learn. Improving relationships through collaboration. 11

12 3.Compromising ( Goal is to find a middle ground Short-term solution)
The Compromising Method involves handling the conflict by reaching a resolution that involves a “win” on both sides of the table. The Compromising Method is used primarily for: Resolving issues of moderate to high importance. Finding a solution that involves equal power and strong commitment on both sides. Situations where a temporary fix may be needed. Backing up a decision that’s been made using the competing or collaboration methods. 12

13 4.Avoiding ( Goal is to delay)
The Avoiding Method is a way of handling conflict by making an active decision to not handle the conflict. This is best used for situations that are not work related and should be solved through another means. The Avoiding Method is used primarily for: Unimportant or non-work related issues. Buying time until a resolution can be reached. Recognizing issues as symptoms. 13

14 5.Accommodating ( Goal is to yield) The Accommodating Method is a way of handling conflict by allowing the other side to “win.” The Accommodating Method is used primarily for: Maintaining perspective ( a particular way of thinking) in a conflict situation. Making active decisions on what can be “let go” vs. what needs another method. Keeping the peace and creating goodwill. 14

15 Increasingly assertive Increasingly cooperative
Thomas Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument [TKI] Increasingly assertive Competing (win – lose) Collaboration (win – win) Compromising (partial win- partial lose) Increasingly cooperative Avoiding (lose – lose) Accommodating (lose - win) Conflict management 15 15

16 Steps in the Conflict Resolution Process
There are six steps to the Conflict Resolution Process: Clarify what the disagreement is. Establish a common goal for both parties. Discuss ways to meet the common goal. Determine the barriers to the common goal. Agree on the best way to resolve the conflict. Acknowledge the agreed solution and determine the responsibilities each party has in the resolution. This process should be completed by all parties in the conflict together. 16

17 We judge others by their actions, but ourselves by our intentions”

18 “Fight as if you are right; listen as if you are wrong
Thank you for your attention and interest! 18

19 Sarkhell Araz MSc. Public health/Epidemiology 3 March 2018
WHAT IS QUALITY? Sarkhell Araz MSc. Public health/Epidemiology 3 March 2018

20 ( A Degree of excellence) What is quality in pharmacy practice?
The quality define as: ( A Degree of excellence) What is quality in pharmacy practice? Represents a degree of excellence Increases the probability of positive outcomes Decreases the probability of negative outcomes Corresponds with current medical knowledge Offers the patient what he or she wants Provides the patient with what he or she needs 20

21 Understanding these aspects of quality will help Pharmacist to explain pharmacy quality to patients and will serve as the basis for pharmacy improvement. 21

pharmacy practice quality has been measured by assessing its structure, process and outcomes. Structure refers to the raw materials needed for production. Process is the method or procedure used. Outcomes are the end result 22

23 Quality assurance QA “the systematic monitoring and evaluation of the various aspects of a project, service, or facility to ensure that standards of quality are being met” Problems are addressed after they occur 23

24 2. Quality Control / QC Improves product or service design to improve the level of quality; it can be thought of as defect prevention 24

25 3. Continuous Quality Improvement / CQI
has been referred to as quality improvement process, total quality management or assurance , and total quality control . “a philosophy of continual improvement of the processes associated with providing a good or service that meets or exceeds customer expectations” 25

26 The CQI measurement cycle

27 CQI Cycle Methods Interventions Process and Outcomes Measured
Data-Collection Procedures Data-Analysis Plan 27

28 ■ SCENARIO It happened again last night. One of the television newsmagazines aired an expose on pharmacy errors during prime time. As soon as she saw the advertisement for the program, Anita had that sinking feeling in her stomach. Anita has been employed as a chain community pharmacy technician for the past 3 years during pharmacy school. Recent months have witnessed several dispensing errors made by pharmacists at her store that she has found out about. 28

29 Luckily, no patients were seriously hurt as a result, but they
could have been. Anita arrived 10 minutes early for work the next morning. The first thing she saw when entering the store was the harried manner in which her boss, pharmacist Pat, was rushing around looking for something, and three of the phone lines were ringing simultaneously. When he saw her, Pat said, “Anita! I’m so glad you are here. We’ve got a problem, and we need to act fast. Patients started calling an hour ago. 29

30 the manual—not that I understand it anyway”.
They are calling in response to that news show last night on pharmacy errors. Did you see it? Anyway, the patients want to know how they can be sure they are getting the right medications. I remember the district manager asking us to implement the corporate CQI program, but I can’t remember where I put the manual—not that I understand it anyway”. Pat heaved a sigh looked at Anita, and said, “You’ve learned about improving quality in school, right? Can you please help?” Anita knew that it was going to be quite a challenging day 30

31 QUESTIONS 1. How is quality defined within the context of pharmacy
practice? 2. How can the need for quality improvement be justified to decision makers? 3. How can quality be measured? 4. What can pharmacy organizations learn from other industries concerning quality? . List the steps of a continuous quality improvement (CQI) model. 31


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