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Evolution- The Fossil Record 15.1 pp

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1 Evolution- The Fossil Record 15.1 pp. 279-281
Evolution = change in the DNA over time Individuals don’t evolve, only populations can evolve, over time Evolution is the best scientific explanation for the diversity of life we see around us Evolution has never been shown to be wrong Why does evolution have to happen over time?

2 Evolution- The Fossil Record 15.1 pp. 279-281
Fossil = some physical trace of a long-dead organism Develop under certain conditions: tar pits, sedimentary rocks Not the actual body anymore, no DNA available Usually left by hard body parts (bones, teeth, claws, feathers….) Not bones, but images of bones Hard body parts get replaced by minerals Amber = special case of fossilized tree sap Sometimes contains well preserved insect exoskeletons Does not preserve DNA Where do we find fossils?

3 Evolution- The Fossil Record 15.1 pp. 279-281
Law of superposition = rock layers on top are younger than rock layers below them Dirty laundry pile rule: stuff on top is newer Soil and rock develop deposited over time by wind and water Relative age = age of a fossil compared to age of other fossils Absolute age = how old it is in years (use half-lifes) How long does it take rock to form?


5 Evolution- The Fossil Record 15.1 pp. 279-281
Extinct = a certain kind of organism (species) is no longer living on earth Mass extinctions = lots of different kinds of organisms go extinct in a short period of time (few thousand years) Once extinct the organisms can’t come back (no DNA being passed on) Extant = organism is currently living on earth (humans are extant) What could cause a mass extinction?



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